I see that picture and think of the one that got Franken in trouble. Caption should be “Trump’s tits are this big! Swear to God.”
I see that picture and think of the one that got Franken in trouble. Caption should be “Trump’s tits are this big! Swear to God.”
When I see that picture of Barr, I think of the picture that got Al Franken in trouble. The caption should read....”Trumps tits are this big. Swear to God.“
“Disgusting”? Sounds like an opposing point of view, but...disgusting?
“you people”?
My local and HIGHLY trusted mechanic made the mistake of putting some mid-grade pads on my Audi wagon a year or so back. I drove away (mid-winter day) and came up to an intersection short (yellow with just enough time to safely stop) when the car basically became a guided curling rock, right through the intersection…
Yeah, no wonder Whitney did so many drugs: she had to sleep with Bobby Brown!
Reached for comment, one commissioner said “Why waste money on books? It’s a libary, for Chrissakes!”
Trying out for a position at the White House with Agent Orange.
Sources say Softbank will change the company name to better reflect their policies. From here in, the company will be known as WeFuckAround.
Agreed. You’re going to burn for it, from personal experience, but totally agree. And before anyone gets hoity-toity, Justin’s blackface, most of Alabama’s blackface, Bill Clinton inhaling, bad decisions are made less bad over time...but it’s a selective process. Some things aren’t ever going to go away. (Justin. Alaba…
Yeah...that’ll happen....sure. I can TOTALLY see it.
I have a medical condition that calls for a reflexive eye-roll whenever I read that “Dr.” so and so, is actually a graduate of some bullshit divinity college and has a doctorate in God. Like Dr. James Dobson (eyeroll).
IMHO, the best racing film of all time, hands down, bar none is John Frankenheimer’s Grand Prix. NO ONE could shoot cars like that guy, and it shows in later films like Ronin.
Couldn’t agree more. I REGULARLY do what would be considered by La Fuzz as time-space continuum breaking speeds (anything over 80 km/h) BUT: It’s a highly modified Audi, I have training, I don’t do it in stupid areas (school zones) and not in bad weather, at night or moose mating season.
“What else do you need?”
Kind of a cross between a Beemer and a Weber Genesis II.
Poor thing: It just never lost THUCKtion (British inflection from that weasel, James Dyson) which is this case, is a bad thing.
I want to go to the commemoration of the Donald J. Trump Memorial tennis court. And in the words of Elvis Costello, Tramp the dirt down.