Hummus. Or as the Muslims spell it, Hamas.
Hummus. Or as the Muslims spell it, Hamas.
Mmmmm....which one is the bottom? I’d watch that!
Stop pushing these fucking tweets already, you’re just feeding the beast. We all know he’s a corrupt idiot, no need to force me to up my daily Xanax intake.
I’m holding out for “OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!” as others drag her away, because, you know...she can make that shit happen!
I dunno...look how bad it had to get for them to actually do anything about Steve King.
Licensed or not, there is no way in hell that woman should have been doing that stunt. It was a REALLY dangerous stunt, and the performer chosen should have been much more seasoned than she was, licensed or not.
No, I didn’t. The combined banality of Grupenfuhrer Miller and Chris Wallace is a waste of collective brain cells, which is why we turn to Jez rather than watch Faux.
I’m sorry for your loss, Mrs. Wallace. I know you were hoping for a Labradoodle and got Chris instead. It was inevitable, but you knew that.
I’m sorry for your loss, Mrs. Wallace. I know you were hoping for a Labradoodle and got Chris instead. It was inevitable, but you knew that.
Oh man, I’m NOT going back to watch this....
He was a sucky VJ and now he’s...well he’s STILL a sucky VJ.
Yes, both are arrested development cases with the limited imagination of a retarded marmoset.
I find that difficult to believe based on Trump’s notorious intolerance for alcoholics. Got any back-story?
Yes, at his inevitable prosecution for whatever they finally get him on, I’d love for the DA to be able to just say “Let’s go to the video-tape!”
There needs to be a modification to this letter. It should include a list of people who ought never to be allowed on the air, starting with Kelly-Ann Conman, who it looks like has already been banished, but add Stephen Miller, Sekulow, Pence, Wilburrrr Ross, Mnumnchimn, Peter Navarro, Ajitated Pie-hole, Itsy DeVos,…
Thanks for taking one for the team and watching Faux so the rest of us don’t have to! :)
I never liked Mike Wallace, always thought he was terribly over-rated (been on the back side of a ‘60 Minutes’ ‘investigation’) and that his son was a shallow, sycophantic shadow of his father. ESPECIALLY when he went to work for Faux. Then he appeared to grow up/grow some balls of his own, and he was almost…
That’s hilarious. He’s calling for his own execution. “Well, Donny, you have been convicted of treason, and we’re bringing back the firing squad just for you”.
They had to remind me that Christian Bale was the kid in Empire of the Sun, because he seemed to come out of nowhere, but there isn’t much he does where he does NOT kill it. He manages to walk that fine line of losing himself completely in the role and yet still being recognizable, not an easy thing to do, and…