
Something tells me that being a) white b) pretty c) young d) highly educated, her biggest issue was NOT whether she should or should not go work at Fox.

Well, if it is, it is. No less true though.

Pants aren’t allowed for women at Fox. Other than Greta. (ugh, Greta....)

How to put this...I’m not blaming the victim. I’m very happy Ailes and O’Reilly are gone, not because it makes Fox a better network but because I hope it’s the start of Gottedamerung for Faux News. But I have to ask myself why a pretty blond white woman would sign up to go work at Fox? I NEVER watch the channel, and

Put this LED lightbar on the front of a Silverado barrelling down on you doing 80 on a moonless night in Northern Canada with no highway lighting...and you have an average winter driving experience for me. Makes me long for something with a machine gun on the front.

Meanwhile, after his insane attack on Canada’s dairy industry, plans are underway to turn off the hydro and water for California and both coasts as a whole, and stop pumping oil out of the tar sands.

Only two real answers: Live boy or dead girl.

“Batty”? Nicely played.

Thurston, who leads the legislative black caucus, again urged Artiles to apologize to Gibson, but she didn’t come back to the table. She told the Herald, “It’s just the most disrespect I’ve ever encountered.”

“Tell me what it’s like being a woman in politics”....BARF!

Man, I hope you’re right..uh..politically correct..uh..oh shit, you know what I mean.

“..and you thought MY plotlines were too far out!” Tom Clancy through a Ouija boards.

At least it wasn’t A-Rod.

I was gonna get all “a young man with tremendous potential is dead and it’s nothing to fucking joke about” but when he equates himself to the fate of DaBebbyJebus, well....adios, fuckface.

There are TWO Orange-Americans in the first picture. As in, Orange ya sorry to see Obama go? Wicked pissa!

Ever think that by putting your passwords into that ‘checker’ you could be feeding an online password hack dictionary? Not that I think that could happen (JK:I TOTALLY think thats what those sites are for.) but...you know...

As a documentarian, I used to think the AA would be the pinnacle of career. But lately, I don’t even watch them any more. It’s more indicative to me of how far we’ve fallen vs what we’ve accomplished. I haven’t become such a cynic as to think I wouldn’t love to have one, but I see the winners recently as people who

I’m thinking you should put up a new Gawker site. I can’t believe what a pale shadow of it’s former self this site has become. This post above is light-years ahead of what’s been posted on this site in the past few months.

It’s because his wife thinks Cooking and Cleaning are cities in Jina.

Damn, beat me to it.