59 Tomahawks @ $.5 Mil each = about 10 trips to Mar-a-Walto. Fuck the NEA and CPB.
59 Tomahawks @ $.5 Mil each = about 10 trips to Mar-a-Walto. Fuck the NEA and CPB.
I’m thinking Philip Jose Farmer a la Doc Savage vs. Tarzan. Let the ripping off of penises begin!
This is not a wagon. This is a hot-hatch with a birth defect.
I have the cure for the Affordable Care Act dilemma: Amputate Donald’s thumbs.
OK...you can be a non-citizen...and be a member of Congress or the Senate??? WHY didn’t the Russians just run a bunch of their own people instead of...oh, never mind; he’s doing more damage then sleeper agents could have anyway.
Elton owns Ed’s management company.
Millions of cat-owners: “Duh!”
Trotsky would differ....
And for god’s sake don’t wear the little hotel bracelets they give you. Scammers can recognize them a and then it’s “Hey, remember me from the hotel? Yeah, we’re all going to bar X, you should come too...”
I don’t even know why Nissan keeps making the RatBlinder. I bought one YEARS ago because the test drive seemed really good, but it’s like a pair of shoes in a way. They feel great in the store, but after a short time on the street...different story. One of the best things that ever happened to me was when a thief who…
I loved this show, an ended up having to put a fair amount of effort in to finding it. Edd turned me on to so many things that has made owning ‘classics’ easier on my married life, wallet and knuckles. I don’t see Ant, nice a guy as he is, being able to replace Edd.
See? If there’d been a wall they’d never have recovered them. Mr. Trump, why do you hate football???
With that hair, he’s got Ruby Ridge written allll over him.
Didn’t you guys used to SERIOUSLY hate on Lana Del Ray?
We are allegedly going in that direction. However, I could probably land a Cessna 150 on my driveway. The ‘blower is just de rigueur.
Hey, fun fact; know what we call a foot of snow and temperatures below 20F in Canada?
...until Canada Post says they won’t deliver to you any more because they’re afraid of slipping in the snow. Here’s a hint: Go to Sears and buy a big-ass snow-blower. It’s fucking CANADA, MAN!
My question is, “Busy doing what???” Stuffing envelopes? Constructing Xenu idols? Washing Tom’s bikes? What could possibly take that much time?
Mom? Is that you???