
I think he believes it’s a ‘smart’ word, and it sounds good to him, so he’ll use it, whether it’s applicable...or even a word, for that fact, or not.

“We’re totally making it up as we go along, it’s a yuge disaster, it’s gonna be horrible, and it’s all Trump’s fault.” - John Baron, about 15 minutes ago.

That was my first thought when I saw Bannon: “Holy shit, Bobby Moynahan has a day job!” Problem is, Drunk Uncle makes more sense than Bannon, who I’m pretty sure is right up there on the psychopathy scale.

I bought a set of the WERA pentalobes, they’re fab. When my Snap-ons die, WERA is wera I’m goin’.

I bought a set of the WERA pentalobes, they’re fab. When my Snap-ons die, WERA is wera I’m goin’.

The other Extremely Credible Source

Extremely Credible Source.

Y’know Chris Matthews takes a lot of shit because he’s pretty idiosyncratic on his show, but he consistently cuts right to the heart of the matter and asks the one yes or no question that makes his guest reveal their true colours and puts their belief system to an acid test.

“M-O-O-N, that spells Bonehead.”

I have a question about this seizure thing: Am I correct that all they have to do is CHARGE you with the crime to seize your assets? And how far does this go? Can they empty your bank account? If this is the case, how can this in ANY way NOT be unconstitutional? You haven’t been CONVICTED of anything! How are you

Great: Morons from outer space.

Are they bringing Hubble back for display, or are they going to (gulp!) burn it? Seems like a horribly ignoble end for such an iconic piece of gear.

...then they come back 50 years later and the place is run by a Cheeto-dusted dictator...it got old fast.

WHAT the fuck is his hangup with urine?????

That’s because Chris Christie hasn’t been paper-trained yet.

A lifetime ago when I worked in radio as a copy writer, when the workload would get particularly bad, someone in the bullpen would start singing “FINLAND, FINLAND, FINLAND....” and the rest of us would join in until we all broke up... it was a great tension reliever. Not as good as quitting that job, which was the

Further to the McConnell piece:
How did ‘liberal’ get to be a dirtier word than ‘lesbian’ in the US? (Thanks, kd)

Does colouring count?

You guys know that you have a golden opportunity here. The guy is a walking photo op, and I’d like to suggest a daily “Title That Trump” picture contest.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing...he looks SO impressed, doesn’t he? You can just see the thought bubble over his head: “Bark bark bark Trump! bark bark Trump! bark bark bark...”