Probably the same number of testicles, though...
Probably the same number of testicles, though...
Triumph of the Ill.
Can I bring up one thing? Everyone went nuclear about how ‘unethical’ Buzzfeed was for publishing the 35-page info brief, and yet NOBODY has any qualms about publishing Twitler’s Twitticisms. It is no more possible to verify that he actually ‘wrote’ those tweets, only that they came from his account, which could well…
Yes. But what I’m frustrated about is the dancing around the actual word. “Falsehoods” “Misrepresentations” yadda yadda...SAY THE WORD! HE LIED! LIES! LYING! He lied, she lied, they lied, he is lying, they are lying...Christ, do we need to conjugate it for them??? Say the fucking word already!
This guy is almost as unhinged as his boss. The press corps should just come in one day with eyes crossed and index fingers circling their temples in the universal “Lookit Mr. Crazypants” sign. Send him right off the deep end. God, I’d pay money to see that. Or have them all come in with Dippin’ Dots. Maybe chuck 1 or…
Last night I watched the Franz Zappa doc “Eat This Question”. Very good stuff. At the end, FZ does his version of a PSA that goes (and I’m paraphrasing) “Look: You’re 18. Get the spoon out of your nose, get the needle out of your arm, and go out and VOTE! DO IT NOW!”
There are several good Georgia O’Keefe biographies.
In a couple of pictures there it looks like Donny got hold of some bad clams last night. And that picture of Pence walking looks like he stepped in some dog shit on his way in. Nothing compared to the dog shit he’s GOING to walk in to over the next....however long these schmucks last.
I can’t tell you how many cats I’ve rescued, and ultimately had to say goodbye to for one reason or another...but Sobbing Watusi almost scalded my nostrils with a hot cup of Tim Hortons.
I’m shocked that with his diet and presumed lack of exercise, he didn’t have a massive MI during the campaign. I give him 6 to 9 months as POTUS before he blows a major gasket and it’s Hello, President Pence.
Does Gloria Allred ever settle these, or win, or anything? I mean, add it up: 2007. Implied Job offer. No actual proof. California, where celebrity court cases go to die. This is gonna get bounced, and anyone in their right mind can see it. Why even START down the road with that little behind it?
OK, he’s 55, all the WORK reading he does, the studying he had to do in law school and beyond that, he writes AND reads for leisure...AND HE DOESN’T WEAR GLASSES??????? How the f.......
The only thing Twitler could assassinate is the truth and a bottle of Aquanet. It’s the first part of that that makes him dangerous to the infinitely gullible, of which there are many.
Yes, because now they have to wait for the coins to be counted on account of this entitled asshole. Many places have rules about “if yo’re going to pay in pennies, it can’t be over X amount and they have to be rolled,...” Perhaps DMVs and other testy-patron-inclined facilities should look into this.
...”and demanding that requesting that the committee hold a hearing...”
Moar starz!!!!
OK, laugh if you want, but I LOVED that car...That year was gorgeous, especially in copper.
If she’s driving a 505 you should turn yourself in to imaginary child protective services immediately. What an imaginably horrible thing to do to an imaginary child!
Love to see that mail.