
I’d like to have a nickel for every time KAC (also the sound I make every time I hear Death-cult Barbie speak) says “I can’t believe...”...now she knows how the rest of us feel. If she can’t believe it, she should a) get another job b) get on board with the rest of us (and btw, the soon-to-be even larger ‘rest of us’)

Makes sense, because why get an actual Indian for the job when you can get a member of the nationality that stole Manhattan from them. Good call, guys!

In that case, we could probably use “Micro-peen” and send him off the deep end.

Reminds me of....

WOW! That’s GREAT!

Ah, alliteration. Good call. My only issue is dilution. We really should land on one name, kind of like he did with “Lyin’ Ted” and “Crooked Hilary” which is a tactic that is a time-proven winner. Lyin and Crooked seem so ironic now since he’s SO crooked and every word out of his mouth is a lie.

Whozzat? Cheeto Voldemort? Trumplestiltskin? Short-fingered Vulgarian? Ronald McDonaldTrump? Please be more specific.

Ideas for retaliation:
If you own or run a facility he frequents, do not allow him access to your bathrooms.
If you happen to be releiving yourself while next to him, turn briskly in mid-stream and ensure he will need a dry cleaner and a hasty exit route. If you know what I mean.
If he’s in a stall next to you dropping

Oh, Colonel Churchward.....

I just want one God-free year. Just one. Is that too much to fucking ask?

How does the God of Love hate ANYTHING? Including sin? In the words of the Hulk, “Puny God.”

So let’s see if the new broad’s role is to be the House Conservative or if she’ll change her stripe. THAT’S the $20 Million question.

“Woof! Whadda guy!”

A woman who loves nature in spite of what it’s done to her.

“12 schnitzengruben is my limit, baby!”

Wow, that’s Appling! (The second ‘a’ is silent.)

Yay! Hit ‘em where it hurts! On their home turf during a football game! Hope this is the first of many!

You know....they should never have parted ways with Steven Page. And on stage, Ed can be a bit of a dick. And it all sounds the same when it’s just Ed. And the mixes of most of their stuff are not great. But they’re a hard working band and they’ve put out WAY more memorable stuff than either Nicklesworth or Beeble

We used to say the same thing about France. “If you hit a Frenchman, make sure you back over him and make sure he’s DEAD, otherwise you’ll be paying forever.”

A real Bonnie and Clod.