
I call this piece “Fun With Transmissions”.

“In a preview of both the Trump campaign’s chances and the rest if his own political career, renowned shithead Mike Pence’s plane left a giant skidmark today...”

We all seem to have forgotten his plagarism phase where he skated on wholesale verbiage-theft. No way he makes it to S/S. He’s too much of a loose canon. If he does make it, it’ll be a short stay and political pay-off.

Just a cage will be fine AFAIC.

LOL! I thought that was the funniest comment I’ve ever heard James Cordon make: “You know you’re in trouble when a literal box of water bursts into flames!”

I’m thinking this might be the ticket for the Spaced Invader at my local theater who can’t leave his fucking phone alone.

Just take those feelings and put them in a box. A nice tiny little box, then take that box and CRUSH IT UNDER YOUR HEEL! CRUSH IT UNTIL THERE ISN’T ANYTHING LEFT!!!!! AND KEEP CRUSHING AND CRUSHING AND CRUSHING!!!!!!!

“We gotta protect our phony-baloney jobs!....hello, boys, I’ve MISSED you!”

In Canada we have the Canadian Taxpayers Federation who go absolutely Ape-shit (Harambe-shit?) when a politician so much as orders a pizza on the public dime. They’re a bunch of yappy little wanna-be assholes most of the time, and I often would like to just kick them in the nuts, but they’ve been remarkably effective

That’s Obama-Won Nairobi. :)

Gotta keep the house and get re-elected first, you capybara-faced motherfucker. That giant sucking sound? Yeah, that’s your career hitting the Big Swirly Cycle. Best of luck in your next job, cleaning out the ash-can of history.

Their new motto: “Faux News: where sexual predation and Trump sycophancy are a way of life”

How much did his parents secretly despise him, naming him after an amphibian? He reminds me not a little of a much-aged Ramsey Bolton.

Well of course! He’s just a fame whore, he has no real insight or desire to be anything other than rich and famous. People talk aboutTrump getting free airtime...the Sunday shows have been buttering this guy’s biscuit for decades.

They were never that top level. They just somehow managed to get a lot of air time. Once the thin vaneer of civility was scratched away, you find out they’re just the walking turds we always pretty much knew them to be.

I know, right??? Are we watching the “de-Dox-inization” of Megyn Kelly???? Is Faux rebranding??? It’s like Bizarro world!

Beat you: Stopped reading at “Airbus”.

People these days are too attached to their children. If you’re that wired to your kid, I’d recommend just calling him ‘the boy’, and not leaving the house etc.

Yay! My personal catch-phrase for The Orange One is going viral! #CheetoVoldemort

Makin’ it rain like a...cheap-ass white guy. All singles, all the time.