
Right: These are the same people who want to legalize it. Does that criminalize us all? Legally no. Societally...guess so.  

OK, I get the ‘hands in the air’ thing: for any African-American male in the US today, that’s de rigeure, but does any one else find this guy’s behaviour odd? What was the car doing in the middle of the road? Why wasn’t he WITH the car? Why didn’t he talk in any way to the officers? Why would he just start walking

“You first!”

Whelp, I’M out. Mel and Sue were great, but I’m Team Berry all the way. I can’t understand producers and execs that don’t see that the chemistry of the cast IS the show. Eg: Top Gear.
Looking forward to the three of them in “The New UK Kitchen Competition”.

I’m sure you’ve heard of Free-range Willy.

He was born a douchebag but identifies as a witch.

Yeah, but the planet and the animals on it don’t. They had nothing to do with it.

This was about the time Emilio was starting to get into acting. He had been offered a role in Repo Man, and Martin was just twisted up with ‘my kid’s following in my footsteps, how great is that?’ to ‘Christ, he has no idea what a shitstorm he’s walking in to. This COULD eat him alive’ because the signs were there

Oh Mika, Mika, Mika...you could do SO much better than Arseface.

No way it’s Martin. I’ve hung with the guy for a while on a movie set, no way it’s him.

Anybody notice how the the word ‘justice’ is being redefined by a lot of people as ‘legal revenge’?

Better idea:
Press: “Mr. Trump, insert question here.
Trump: “vague bullshit answer”
Press: “Mr. Trump, that’s a vague bullshit answer.”
Trump: “No it’s not; go look it up.”
Press: “We did: it’s a vague bullshit answer. You’re lying.”
Trump: flails tiny hands...”AM NOT!”
Press: “Are too.”

I just wish she’d said ‘listen you Oompa-Loompa lookin’ muthafucka, thank us for the work you wouldn’t show up to do and get the fuck out!”

Oh PLEASE pick a fight with this woman while you’re trying to win black voters, PLEEEEEEEZE!

Well colour ME surprised.....NOT!

Bullshittimus Maximus Trumpii

Advanced Shenanigans. The only known cure for Shenanigans that advanced is a hasty and permanent retirement to Bullshitistan.

“Give me your tired and poor, let’s club them to death: That’s what the Statue of Bigotry says” -Lou Reed

There isn’t a big enough font in the WORLD for the “EWWWWWWW!!!” that deserves.

This just indicates how important it is for people to donate to medical research, so that we can find a cure for Obstinate Chronic Douchism (OCD) and our children will never have to know the horrors of a world where free-range shkrellis roam unchecked.