But! They’re not dead! They just become ANOTHER one of the Walking Dead! Bwa-hahahahahahahaha!
But! They’re not dead! They just become ANOTHER one of the Walking Dead! Bwa-hahahahahahahaha!
Yes, seriously, WTF with the unplated cars? Here in Canada, you get caught driving without a FRONT plate and the cops are on you like white on rice. I couldn’t believe the number of cars rolling in Cali with no plates. How do they not get yanked?
It’s the knife and fork that does it. Fingers? Ghhhh.....
I’m thinking dehydration. When on military parade, standing in the sun for long periods of time, all the water you THINK you drank? Yeah, no...Time for a nappy-poo. For a woman of her age and schedule, I think staying hydrated would be a challenge for anyone.
Yeah, ‘simply’...sheesh...
Well there was this really cool buffet, and Christie was on his ‘cheat day’...
Why is she even a thing anymore? Her two minutes were up about 5 years ago.
“It’s a train...from France! MEPS!”
I can vouch for that...I’ve seen you at the meetings! But... I’m in the greys so no one will ever know...
HHGTTG is Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. Run it enough times at a theatre and everything’s an abbreviation.
Thanks. BTW, serious question...how did this happen? I’ve been in the greys for years, and this mook waltzes in with this crap and he’s approved? What exactly are the rules for this?
OK...Ashley...bubalah...PLEEZ let me out of the Phantom Zone! I’m not with ISIS: I’m with Ice’s!
I’m CANADIAN for the lov-a gawd...how much nicer do I have to be????
Please let it be a stroke,
Please let it be a stroke,
Please let it be a stroke,
Please let it be a stroke...
Actually, it’s innocent until proFUCK! I’VE BEEN SHOT! WHAT THE HELL???
You lost me...Onions?
...or $134 on Amazon.ca. Bastards.
...or $134 on Amazon.ca. Bastards.
You sure this didn’t happen at the team Paintball retreat?
The conspiracy doesn’t stop there folks. “LaHood”, when you translate it in to English is “The Hood”. THE HOOD! This guy is a HOOD, who is working from inside the justice system to destroy it!
All I can think of is Chucky from Sons Of Anarchy.
COTD...laughed til I puked!