
Im not sure I followed your advice for her to fuck her talkative male co-workers is going. Is the idea to create some sort of rivalry so they will compete to show her who is the best listener?

if they link the video he says he didn’t recognize who she was . Why Jezebel won’t embed it is maddening, because it actually was a good debate. I guess it’s easier just to snark than to think

In addition, these same people crying persecution are 100% A-OK with a gun store refusing to serve Muslims, but if a Muslim shop owner refused to serve Christians, they’d lose their minds.

Negligence is a sufficient mens rea for several crimes

some groups/people are “pro abortion,” and unfortunately they tend to be the most outspoken. It makes us look bad. I’ve heard people make really off-color abortion (basically dead baby) jokes to show how ‘edgy’ and pro choice they are. You even see it in comments here.

not exactly. PP didn’t have a specific policy in place and different facilities just kind of guessed around, negotiating per-item reimbursements and whatnot, leaving it open to the inference that they were profiting. The most likely scenario is one where they lost some money and made some money, but nothing

Yeah they only won the senate in 2014 and took more congressional seats. WHAT A DISASTER.

Actually, Pres Obama is rolling out today what his comms office calls the “most aggressive response to climate change ever proposed,” which will alienate Inds and mod Dems enough to render this PP nonsense a wash.

I think the whole “point” of the outrage isn’t that there is scientific research on fetal tissue, it’s that the videos appear to capture a loose policy on reimbursement for the costs of donation, leaving open for whether or not there’s a profit to be had. This article doesn’t swing undecideds on the issue

Investigators have identified at least one suspect...

Yeah, but it’s simply illogical to say: “Sen.A with 10% progressive policy positions is just as much of a shit heel as Sen B with 0% progressive policy positions.” Using that logic IS ideological extremism and it's the same shit that pushes the right further and further to the fringe. Is it not preferable to have

the video I saw was several minutes long. I didn't see anything within it to suggest that it was edited beyond cutting out what took place before and after

The fact that the workforce participation is low “just because baby boomers” isn’t a cause for relief, it’s a cause for alarm. It means we will be facing a historically large dependency ratio. Either working americans become more productive to pay the retirements of baby boomers, or we all become more poor.

did anyone else first read this as Cosby having “dropped by” CAA, as in came by to visit unannounced?. I think that version sounds more sad then his agency cutting ties with him

oh you

you sound like you make less money than your father, but you’re compensating for it by shelling him much smarter you are

yeah but fuck Google glass people more. we shouldn’t beat them up, but we can all agree they fucking suck and should be mocked

I don’t get the backlash...it’s not like he raped someone.

WWDTM is the most obnoxious and annoying radio show ever, and Kim K the most obnoxious and annoying celebrity...Sounds like a good match