
that’s a pretty cis-privileged view you’re taking. “oh my god dicks touch you’re not straight anymore...!!!”

is it misogyny or is it sex-positive? She’s a sex worker and it was a transaction that she consented to. You want her to suffer damages because of the agency of a man?

since when do we limit freedom of speech based on content? Unless you have a very good reason (public safety, etc) then having the govt pick and choose which speech is okay is a terrible idea

what's up with all the WWC stories? Is it this year?

Even with a vague assertion of “controlling,” these kind of statistical analysis are really bogus. Read the post from the guy who wrote about how he convinced the world that you could lose weight by eating chocolate.

so he shared it with his principal before his parents?

You get it. Thanks

Yeah it’s really a hop,skip and a jump away from a Christian coming in and deciding he won’t wear a part of the uniform because he thinks it’s “too gay-looking”

/face palm.

Sup Ct only takes up narrow questions of law when reviewing Lowe court decisions. They don’t engage in independent fact finding on appeal Questions of facts are for lower courts to determine through testimony, etc.

well the BBC is a quasi-governmental entity, funded by mandatory license fees, so it's not exactly a model of capitalism. But you do you

Wow. Is this our Mitt Romney now? I guess I’m “throwing my vote” away on Bernie Sanders, but until Elizabeth Warren runs there's no way I'm taking this kind of candidate seriously

#26 notices that you're actually a lesbian so sticks to cunninglingus


Briennes story is so lame though. Chances are these sexist show runners will just give the kill to Stannis or some other male character

Can we get a trigger warning before violent posts like that?

So it sounds like MomBod is already a thing, except it’s just the flip side of an anti-fitBod movement by women who have mombods

Didn’t the Internet try this with the “real women have curves” thing? I think MomBod could be a thing, but it would quickly turn into cries of “Don’t MomBodShaame meee” whenever a very in shape or athletic mom posts a pic.

“Two Zimas please”

It’s pretty cis-sumptive to give the beer the hole to fuck.A beer bottle is already shaped for fucking