
I am too actually, and I’m an attorney. The state of mind required is merely negligence, which was met by driving unsafe for conditions. And if that caused the collision and the death....you have vehicular manslaughter.

Yeah, I’m a little confused by this. This is a classic case of misdemeanor vehicular homicide - where a seemingly innocuous traffic violation - like following too closely - causes the death of another.

Not if you weren’t driving recklessly and it was a legit accident. Those do happen

The diffence between you and your undocumented relatives is for whatever reason you were invited into our country. Your relatives were not and cut the line of people doing it the right way paying fees, getting health screenings, learning the language and having a sponser to prove that they or their children will not

I would just like to say thank you. I hope your friends and relatives just like you are able to become citizens as soon as possible so they too can vote. No one is just an object,no one is property and no one should be treated as garbage due to which side of an invented “line in the sand” they are born.

You can dress your argument up however you’d like, it really comes down to the fact you don’t think there should be consequences (referring to deportation, not slavery) for your friends and family here illegally.

I for random reasons have documents

You don’t sound like a champion.

Giving a last place kid a trophy for showing up is a form of public humiliation.

Adult wiffle ball is huge in New England. Like huge. People build perfect wiffle sized replicas of Fenway. There are leagues and shit.

He spikes the ball after the catch and never makes a clean transfer to his “opposite” hand. Therefore, it’s a single. Run scores.

Don’t many of those countries pay for the leave though (Canada does it that way at least)? I would argue that it should be handled similar to disability with the federal/ state paying for parental leave.

Thing is, in Canada it isn't company-paid maternity leave. It's through employment insurance. We all pay into that. It is a very good thing. Why doesn't America have it? WHY?

To be fair, I agree with her that the state shouldn’t mandate that companies pay people on mat leave, only that they hold their jobs/not penalize them professionally. The state social safety programs should replace (at least part of) income, as in Canada and most of Europe.

What other conditions are there in which a body/body part is still functional but not doing invasive surgery on it would be considered inhumane?

I’m curious Mr. Governor, which is more important public safety or saving the state money fighting her lawsuits? She was imprisoned for killing a man and that’s a fucking big deal to me. It’s not like she was some low level pot dealer, she took another person’s life and I feel just a little less safe living in

You are clearly going out of your way to sound like you are chill, but judging by the sheer volume of your inane defensive posts, you are anything but chill. Tracy makes an argument. Most of which is backed up by ZERO science. If you read her previous post on the topic, you will see that evo psych was proven right,

But statistical evidence only gains meaning from context, and is shaky ground from which to make blanket claims. That’s why we know it’s bullshit when a racist asshole says “Black people are more violent than white people! Statistics show they disproportionately commit violent crimes!”

What you say makes sense in itself. The problem is that it’s not remotely relevant to this article or my comment. Firstly, you gotta be having a laugh implying that this article in any way constitutes “statistical evidence”. It’s entirely anecdotal. There’s no attempt to give evidence. Obviously the men who approach

thank you - this needed to be said badly. Then again, this is gawker media. Ridiculously biased. I have had many an encounter when I was simply striking up standard conversation with no intent on “taking them home” or asking them out when they thought I was trying to hit on them. If at all possible, refrain from