
In-N-Out is, indeed, fine.

Jet Fool puts belt on real seams.

White plastic deli/ restaurant containers.

White plastic deli/ restaurant containers.

Yes, let us reject those who only recently decided to agree with us. They are not the true believers of ‘woke’ but blasphemers in sheep’s clothing! I say we ridicule them for now agreeing and therefore discourage them from taking part. How dare they only agree with us now and not before!

do you need a safe space, snowflake?

Trump must be bummed that he can’t enjoy watersports in the White House.

Say what you want about the tenets of national Socialism, but those assholes are MOTIVATED

this reaction to this joke is why democrats lost the election


Here’s the thing about being a Jets fan. It’s just so goddamn bland and generic. The best offensive player they had in my lifetime is either Curtis Martin or Keyshawn, both of whom will be remembered by fans of other teams as “pretty good”. Their best QB’s are either Noodle-Armed Chad or Vinny, both of whom are just

If you have zero interest in any of those movies, you have bad taste in movies.

It would be rather fitting for Kanye’s career to come to end for speaking through a wire.

And don’t be that asshole that misunderstood Sideways and starts spouting about “Fuck the Merlot!” If you have a taste for dry alcohol, like a hoppy beer, go for the fucking Merlot; it’s good!

He’s the hero New York deserves, but not a hero with knees right now.

ATK is a godsend. Going to be strange to see news seasons without awkward and passively aggressive interactions between Kimball and his staff.

My favorite favorite cookbooks are the ones from America’s Test Kitchen! They tell you what to do and what not to do (that is, what they tried that didn’t work)! Perfect for someone like me who sees recipes as guidelines.

We can tell because you don’t seem to have any idea how appeals courts function.

Could someone explain to me why people needed to be reminded what Star Wars was? Had people forgotten? The prequels were hugely successful, and people were buying tickets for The Force Awakens months in advance despite having no clue what the plot was going to be. It’s not like the franchise was struggling. They could

If you cannot see the faults Avengers has with casting and acting then you need to stop watching the movie through rose coloured glasses.