
Believe me, I get the lure of convincing yourself you’re an outsider and that your critics are all wrong. But normal people temper that urge with at least a modicum of self-awareness. Not here. Attacking people helps feed into Barstool’s never-ending and poisonous inferiority complex”

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Whenever I enter into the comments of these threads

The real winner, it should be noted, was Chelsea, whom everyone was writing off at the beginning of the season

> “they should just rename the team to the Black Panthers”

An entire thread of people speculating and nobody pointing out that her strongest polling area is upstate. Her issue is with minority voters, not upstaters. 

>but people shouldn’t make light of the time Maxine Waters uppercutted him into a spike pit and killed him to death.

i read yeahrigh67's comment, read your comment, and then re-read yeahright67's comment, and i think you’re the one who’s not very good at reading comprehension.

>I suspect all that electrolyte stuff is pretty much placebo effect for Brady at this point.

Interestingly enough, one of the candidates in the AL senate race has heard “sir this is an elementary school” a lot.

Appreciate the congrats for being right on Jerry Jones being racist, I don’t want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!

there are plenty of ways to cook lots of different ingredients and it’s only neckbeards who only know how to cook steak or other hunks of meat (literally the easiest things to make delicious in the world) who get dogmatic and defensive about it.

I used to work in ad sales for a major tv broadcaster with some niche channels. Oftentimes, they’d be packaged as an extension of a more established channel (so probably FoxNews, FX,

This is the correct answer.

This is the correct answer.

whenever the left tries to work within the party structure, it’s always “but muh party unity”. see: the recent DNC chair race, where perez was thrown in last minute becuase the haim saban and the clinton/obama wings of the party didn’t like ellison.

I work in TV ad sales. They emphasized this in their upfront because a lot of ad buying clients are averse to having their message in a politicized environment because they don’t want to be seen as endorsing the political views expressed in the show. Most likely they got feedback from their clients that they felt that

this was matt yglasias’s beat for a while. Idk if people still don’t like him or what but he wrote a whole book about it.

Just do all the adequate man shit. Get in decentish shape, learn to dress yourself, figure out a skincare routine, learn how to cook a couple basic dishes, read some literature etc.

did you wake up this morning, look in the mirror, decide against shaving your neckbeard and say “today i’m gonna call someone gay derogatorily for liking nice things?” or was it a spur of the moment thing?

or cotes du rhone. goes with everything.

get a sauv blanc for cooking with white and a cabernet for cooking with red. Pour into a deli container put in the freezer and scoop out slush when you need it.