
Sooo...definitely not a Clinton, then.

“Toughest”?  Joe Leiberman was tougher than Obama, shutting down the public option before it even reached the table.

pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

Obama could’ve pushed for true single-payer. He could’ve prosecuted the bankers. He could’ve not droned more people and deported more refugees than any prior president.

It’s about scabs, but it’s also about other unions in other sectors respecting that picket line in solidarity. When I was in college at UW in the early 2000s the grad students struck, and they got the garbage collector and bus drivers union to respect their line, and thus, no garbage pickup or buses on campus.

If it’s a coal mine or an auto factory, yeah, you’re not going to be going into those places as a consumer anyway. But if it’s a business that does rely on paying customers at a retail level, then it makes no sense to high-five the striking workers and say, “I’m with you 100%! But right now I have to go inside and pay

They are “supposed to” go to the hotel management and demand refunds or other accommodations, as clearly you are not going to be receiving the level of service advertised, and if they don’t get them take their business elsewhere now and in the future.

So...overlook the very real shortcomings of Dems? No. 

I imagine you writing this while LARPing as Heath Ledger’s Joker.

Maybe don’t bring up easily refuted points that have been debunked and countered for over a year already, and people will have an argument worth having with you.

Tomlin would have tripped a player in his rush to tell us.

Just want to say thank you for all your work, especially your incredible investigative pieces year after year. Deadspin is a great place for dick jokes and making fun of Austin Rivers, but for me, no author’s byline here commands as much attention as yours.

there’s literally no way to fix this in america, and I don’t even know if I want it to be fixed. I value kids having normal childhoods more than I value seeing the US do well at the world cup

Let’s grade the outfits:

By way of comparison, NBC only let one employee go today.

You know, it is fun to watch Michael Bradley not give a shit on a team that’s not the USMNT...

What unique history is that? The unique and special history of early 2000s online service accounts?

Biederman is like 15 years younger than Magary. He said a dumb thing on Twitter a couple months ago, got called on it by multiple people, and responded with an unequivocal apology. I’d say his response to the criticism is exactly what differentiates him and Magary from what Magary is railing against.

Dave Portnoy is a 40 year old divorced man who is admired by millions of 19 year olds. The day he stops trying to drum up controversy or project a “us vs everyone else” mentality, is the day he wakes up and looks at what he is. Pathetic.