
I'm a big fan of Jezebel but I think this is a perfect example of how this site is starting to go wrong at times. Instead of arguing against actual wrongs, you're too often trying to create them. If you read the article itself and find TIME's coverage to be lacking, then write a thoughtful, smart, meaningful piece on

But the objectification of men is a false equivalency to the objectification of women, because what's being fetishized is strength. Virility, capability, vigor, fortitude. Power.

Ah no. At least in NYC there are absolutely POC bro's. Asians including South east Asians are a big part of the bro culture here. Particularly the finance bro's.

I love your sites, but FUCK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS HEADLINE. Change it, assholes.

First, props for covering how stupid this issue is.

You know how pretty much every one of these groups is actually composed of more or less normal, rational people with reasonable interests, yet end up stereotyped because of a handful of them that take themselves far too seriously and make every perceived criticism into a personal attack?

Nah, this is definitely not a fake category. Go back and look at the early reaction to Jezebel's Lena Dunham pics, which was an orgy of "quien es mas feminist" posturing. (As I recall, Emily Nussbaum was the worst offender, and I say this as someone who likes her writing outside of Twitter.) The Twitter

Well, they couldn't really say Jezebel Feminists, now could they? I mean this is Gawker.

"What are the chances that all 90 million people are just lazy?"

Martha, Martha, Martha. Citing an irrelevant studies does not magically make your essay more scientifically rigorous.

I'm sorry but that study used science which means, as we all know here, is just fat shaming propaganda.

Ah, both of those make sense, yes. Well the people using other people's account's have nothing to complain about, lol.

And this is tacitly "bad" because why?

If Lulu was a site where men could rate women they had slept with (or had a relationship with) y'all would go apeshit at how such an awful thing could exist.

It's awesome that all kinds of industries are thinking about sustainability, but I really don't think that anyone refrains from using condoms because they might not be made from ethically-sourced rubber.

Seconded. Being a "provider" and making a lot of money is absolutely the number one pressure we face as men. No doubt about it.

As a dude, I can confirm money is THE biggest pressure we face. Looks don't matter — gay or straight, we can find mates if we're nice and funny and confident. Even ugly dudes can get with the partner of their preferred gender if they approach it the right way. But we're always feeling pressured about how much we make

I'm a man, I want everyone to have equal rights and opportunites, but never would I call myself a feminist, for starters, it's not even a unified movement, secondly, there's so much hypocrisy involved, and thirdly, there's so much petty non-issues.

Are you doing a parody here?

Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David, Garry Shandling, and many others have all portrayed characters that were moderate re-imaginings of themselves, and if I was willing to do so I could scour their respective episodes and easily pull quotes that would seem outlandish/arrogant/offensive if they were taken out of context and