
Jason collins is a terrible abomination and i am horrified of the effect he will have on our nations children.

maybe people are just sick of lindy and other writers at jezebel who think obesity is nothing more than a 'bogeyman', equate any comments on obesity being unhealthy as either 'concern trolling' or 'fat shaming', and refuse to budge from their narrow-minded, dogmatic view of this issue?

"He used his Twitter feed as a learning tool and that exercise made him a better and more well-informed person who doesn’t go around mansplaining things."

Are you her doctor? No? Than how on earth do you know she suffers from exercise bulimia. Jesus Christ, leave this woman alone.

Actually, if you know Torin's story, you know his parents were both laid off during the recession, they had financial difficulty as a family, and Torin's success at the X Games and jump to the pro level was to help his family put food on the table. Don't let stereotypes fool you.

After stepping over used condoms and walking past a crudely punched hole in a bathroom stall, one journalist reported, "Maybe I should leave the hotel and go check out this gay bar."

The author had no problem defending "fat people" when reporting on a recent medical study:

The show wasn't making judgement about this person's weight. It's Gloria Ryan and some other people who are claiming that she's unhealthy and underweight. And apparently the rantings of people on Twitter who accuse her of having an eating disorder count as legit / plausible facts to be included in an article about it.

"She's also an outlier in that at 5'4" and 105 lbs, her height-weight combination put her slightly below the threshold doctors who use the BMI scale would consider "healthy." She's also below what Weight Watchers would consider healthy for her height."

Interesting. So when it comes to overweight people, BMI is garbage

Dear Shakira and Rhianna,

I think I've reached the point in my life where I've just accepted that the majority of people are never going to accept gaming as a legitimate hobby.

No, the beginning is not essentially the same. Nice try though.

The beat/bassline (FYI those words are generally synonymous) is completely different. You just have an untrained ear and think because the horns sounds similar, the rest of the song does as well.

Since when is Frank Ocean ignored? He hasn't put out an album since Channel Orange, which came out in 2012. Throughout 2013, Frank Ocean was championed up and down the media for being incredibly talented. He was the media darling for most of last year.

I doubt he intentionally ripped of Le1f. Because no one knows who he is.

Yes, the author was weirdly sympathetic about the sexy-talk friend and I think she missed the point. I don't think letter writer is uncomfortable because of his feelings for her. He stated his feelings were in the past so why advise him be "honest" about feelings he doesn't have anymore? I think he was clear that he

What bothers me is the implication that it may not be acceptable to decide to stop being friends. I have never made that particular choice with regards to anyone with whom I was in a relationship that didn't work out, or for whom I had ultimately unrequited romantic feelings. But, that said, I still it's a perfectly

See, I've always throught the friendzone was at it's basic level just unrequited love. I don't know about redditors but generally the frustration I would hear from other guys in the friendzone isn't entirely about the lack of reciprocation. More it's that they constantly hear the female friend bemoaning that she

Agreed, I have both friendzoned and been friendzoned. Two way street.

I'm not sure where this idea came from, that there's one single group of people in society using the word friendzone. I know several women who use the word, and I regularly see it on the internet being used by women. It's just a new word for unrequited affection. You don't have to feel entitled to someone'