
get a sauv blanc for cooking with white and a cabernet for cooking with red. Pour into a deli container put in the freezer and scoop out slush when you need it.

waiters at random places, sure

Internet commenter dismisses cool thing he’s never tried, claims small corner of his existence superior to said cool thing.

Lol. You’re going to look like garbage when you’re 35.

Talk shit post fit.

what i want to know is: what’s the brazil fiasco?

HamNo I love you and I love your endorsement of squatz and oats, but April Bloomfield has the best Oatmeal Recipe of ALL TIME..

I’m not sure what I regret more: that i only have one star to give this, and or that I have 0 friends that listen to the deadcast to send it to.


I’m sure HBO is crying that you will no longer use the HBO Go password you borrowed.

Nice, now i’m going to search out randos who are mad about the female reboot and argue with them to make me feel superior for my Good Opinions.

you are so fucking defensive dude. it’s such a bad look.

Hillary or Bernie?

Somewhere, a Salon writer is using this jumpoff for a Thinkpiece about how We Need To Talk About Pizza’s Race Problem

I thought the sazerac bar sazerac was the worst sazerac i had while i was there (a week ago). It was really strong and unpleasent.

Tanlines are still around (they released an album last year) and have a generally great twitter presence.

“He just fucking named a bunch of shit, how is this [a story]” is how I feel about Ready Player One, which, ironically, is fucking loved by nerd community.

They should just throw out the rules of roman numerals and call it SUPER BOWL XXXXX

The best thing about this whole thing is how butthurt pats fans are that people don’t care.

Typo alert: Drew Says: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Oh, God. Oh, God, the Second Axis pf Evil has formed at last!