
My girlfriend and I (both huge Jets fans) think Marshall might be closeted. His mannerisms are a really effeminate (not that we automatically think effeminate = gay, but we do have fun speculating)

As a short dude, standing on the bannister under the bar (isn’t that why it’s called a bar? Idk the terminology) to make myself a little bigger seems to work well, for some reason.

You mean 6-time pro-bowler Nick Mangold?

This is pretty good, but i’m worried people will overrate this because Missy Elliot is exactly the perfect target of early-aughts nostalgia.

Who do you follow? I’m considering re-joining twitter just for sportz.

Quitting twitter was the best decision i’ve made in 2015

It’s an obvious homage, which isn’t the sort of stuff that requires royalties or even credit. Back in my pop punker days, you’d see bands that would remix logos/album covers/graphics all the time, do you think Mario Puzo fans got their panties in a twist about goldfinger or whoever using a remixed godfather logo on

actually, the first thing i cited was appointment viewing, which is a much bigger factor.

If you’re a decent enough cook, you can make vegetarian food that’s pretty damn delicious. I say this as someone trying to cut down (though not completely eliminate) the amount of meat I consume.

You’re acting like my main point was the screen issue rather than the rights issue.

I work in analytics for a company that distributes content across both linear and digital platforms and while it was an admirable technical feat by yahoo, streaming a sports game doesn’t look like a model that will take over from TV: since it’s appointment viewing and (generally) much better on a big-screen TV, TV

yeah but the original comment was an attempt to pedantically assert that #actually it was insider trading

that’s in fact not the definition of insider trading.

this is one of the best things i’ve read all day

Not a hateboner? Sure. Your first post for example: Franzen writing about Pip/Igor is SUPER PROBLEMATIC GUYS because Franzen WANTS TO FUCK HIS CHARACTER. Nevermind that it turns out Pip’s interaction with Igor is a result of her self delusion/inability to read people/general immaturity, but that doesn’t stop you from

Nobody gives a shit about the hateboner deadspin, gawker et. al seems to have for Purity.

I’ve picked up girls at the gym. It’s rare, but it’s happened.

Yeah I think this is crucial. He’s evolved on racial justice issues, which is what the protesters want. If someone wants to make a substantial critique of his platform that’s fine, but to mischaracterize it as “redistribute it and it’ll all go away” is doing a disservice.

was last week’s deadcast saying there’s nothing going on in sports a joke, because you guys just totally skipped the women’s world cup.