
They have a few issues but they’re pretty solid if you want to cook a wide array of food and not fuck it up. And while science is a bit schticky at least they’re not alton brown. All my forays into grilling/bbq have come from The CI Meat Book and it’s had a 100% success rate in coming out good.

Another tip: get one of the america’s test kitchen book with the buying guides (family cookbook, tv show cookbook, etc.) and just use that as your buying guide. Also those recipes will be a million times better whatever shitty SEO’ed internet recipe will give you.

Arrogant, know it all statement about what is “best”, check.

In college I had a threesome with two girls I was sleeping with regularly. The week after the threesome, I booty called both of them on friday (just a “hey what’s your plan for tonight?” text) but didn’t get a response from either. Both situations were casual but I didn’t think much of the non response until I saw

Mad Max is the exception that proves the rule though.


Skip the vac-pac and just do the water displacement technique.

Just smoke weed instead. Double points if it's out of a vaporizer.

Nice Flyknit Multicolors.

it also got shit ratings

Green Lantern was one of Cartoon Network's worst rated shows before it was cancelled. 18-34 year old fanboys are not their target audience.

They're also completely gutting the GWB bus terminal, probably in response to those huge luxury residential towers going up in Ft. Lee

30somethings declaring that they'd prefer one happy meal toy over another is a perfect encapsulation of why nerd culture will never be taken seriously.

It's not news that Beyonce was going to make a single/release new music. Artists do that all the time without it being a big deal. It's the fact that it was a whole album that was a surprise, but that some rando dancer didn't leak the album release it isn't some major feat of PR control that Beyonce stans think it is.

mildly? I'm highly offended.

it's not disney (or any other toy company's) fault we're living in a sexist society, nor is it disney (or any toy company's) responsibility to fight these things by making toys that won't sell. Toy companies respond to what they'd percieve as consumer demand and most products fail; and frankly plenty of enterprising

I work in the toy industry and that's the reality. The toy industry—and childrens media generally— is super gender-divided up and down the distribution chain. While your anecdote about how your little girl loves star wars might be nice, she's in the vast minority of toy purchasers.

Cartoon Network (like every other TV network, save for Disney, which isn't ad-supported) primary revenue model is based around a mixture of advertising and cable subscription fees. Licensed products are a secondary (but still important) revenue streams.

They stopped showing your favorite shows because their primary audience is children not adult fanboys and chances are children were not tuning into them.

it's more that they didn't expect Elisa to be the hit. They did a big consumer products push around the other one (haven't seen Frozen, but I work in the consumer products industry so we stay on top of these things.)