“And hey, who doesn’t love weird experiments?”
“And hey, who doesn’t love weird experiments?”
You can still call me Queen B though.
It don’t run in our blood.
That’s OK.
In the most recent episode, when the Suicide Squad is heading beyond the wall, I instantly transformed into my mother and said, “Oh, you better not be going out there without hats on!” Wisconsin accent and all.
Because the groups involved want to spread their messages and not be dicks about it.
Gone already. Bummer. I saw it earlier on my phone and it automatically added the free $10 card to your basket. It’s no longer doing that.
Gone already. Bummer. I saw it earlier on my phone and it automatically added the free $10 card to your basket. It’s…
I’m not seeing how to make this work to get the $10 best buy gift card, is it automatic?
I’m not seeing how to make this work to get the $10 best buy gift card, is it automatic?
Widowmaker is half-French, and half-spider, you fucking Trump-voting bigot.
Cosmo was in a perfect position to do this. Everyone, including Ivanka, thinks they’re a dumb ladymag full of nothing but penis touching tips and other questionable advice, but their political reporting is actually pretty damn good.
I tried comparing prices between Adrenaclick and its generic in a few of US zip codes and the generic came out cheaper on all.
In San Jose, California, for example, Adrenaclick starts at $466 while its generic starts at $144. In New York, NY, Adrenaclick starts at $479 while its generic starts at $192.
I suspect you…
If you are alone and choking and think you are going to die, the first step should be to delete your browser history.
A bunch of people stand around the Mewtwo stand, frantically battling it.
Is that something we should worry about? I literally put EVERYTHING into my search history. Like “how long would it take for someone to die if you cut their hands and feet off” but like...I just started watching “slasher” and was CURIOUS-how much cocaine can you do and breastfeed seems like a totally normal thing to…
Not something I’m putting into my google search history.
The small teaser thumbnail picture I clicked on had me going “okay, that’s the render, let’s see the cosplay... wait, that’s actually the cosplayer?”
I've been involved in compost discussions in the gardening forums since 2002. That info graphic promotes the superstition and ignorance held over since the 1930s when Rodale first came to the public forefront. For example...