Makes me think they wrote it on a phone....
Makes me think they wrote it on a phone....
You get a frostbitten ear, and you get a frost bitten ear, and you and you and EVERYONEEEEE
Haha this made me think of the Airbnb’s I’ve stayed at, all having a wide collection of books on their shelves. And I’m pretty sure not all of them are their personal collection. Some are definitely left behind and some are gifts. Also makes me wonder if they curate their selection. Like hmm this person left behind…
Because organizations like Gideon want to spread the word of God. I had a friend who got shit faced and ended up in a hotel room, where she opened the bedside drawer and saw the bible and had an epiphany. (She really, did not know it was a regular item in hotels across the nation) And became REALLY religious for,…
You saved me a lot of digging.
This sounds like a plot to a Criminal Minds episode...
I brought this up when my boyfriend and I binged on Criminal Minds. If my phone had a search history, it’d be filled with weird ass questions about the law, human behavior and IMDB searches...
I wonder how much the guys in the black suits get paid to be living furniture...
Stan Lee stated the same at SVCC, he got into comic books because of greed and that he was good at it.
This needs to be a criminal minds episode...I feel like this guy might have some sort of mental disorder, but that also means he can plead insanity and I don’t want that to happen. He needs to go to prison and deal with the inmates.
My friend’s father car was t-boned by an Uber driver’s car today, the driver was in a rush and tried to beat a red light. His father is fine, thankfully.
CHIMICHANGAAASSS. I also was hoping they were going to just choose the really popular Deadpool comic con cosplayer to be in it. Like choose an unknown and make it big. But I’ve also never heard his voice, so it could be way weird. But a voice over with Nolan North is always a possibility.
Proper way to end a filibuster.
Apparently my friend said there’s a website for people’s shits that look like other things, he said it was quite popular when we were in hs. I didn’t have the stomach to look at the site on his phone closely at breakfast in public. But I distinctly saw a pretzel shaped one...
Apparently my friend said there’s a website for people’s shits that look like other things, he said it was quite popular when we were in hs. I didn’t have the stomach to look at the site on his phone closely at breakfast in public. But I distinctly saw a pretzel shaped one...
It’s the tiny ass eye isn’t it.
I was on my family’s cellphone plan from highschool till freshman year of college. That’s when my aunt blamed the huge phone bill on me, even though I showed her that the # that racked up the bill was hers, not mine. (I spent most my time on the computer rather than old school phone.) And she demanded I pay the whole…