
In the picture on the right, the sky is not as vibrant, and has a slightly washed out look to it, the grass appears to had a reddish tint to it and appears more a shade of brown, and the tree in the background on the left appears to be green. Of course, I'm looking at it as someone who does suffer from protanopia. I

Dogstar isn't together anymore as far as I know, and while opinions vary, I didn't think they were all that great. Their best bet would be to source their music from Europe, which has some of the best rock and heavier music today. Again, this is just my opinion, but if I could, I would move to Finland or Germany for

I'm not a huge Daft Punk, or electronic fan, but that soundtrack was amazing.

At least the sperm whale was preoccupied with trying to come up with names for things. He didn't have time to think about his inevitable fate.

I'll take camel spiders over Snookis any day.

This is why I think I'll stick to whisky, neat, and occasion on the rocks. Sometimes I like to live dangerously and add ice to my drinks. What of it?

Fear not! I have a spare Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. I bought it from an African swallow.

I never reply to comment on getting a good, hearty laugh, but that was quite clever ol' chap.

That's a shame when you consider how cheap a disco ball can be.

You made me feel old, that's for sure. I may have only been 4, but my first concert was KISS. My uncle was a huge fan. I miss him a lot, but thanks to his passing I have all the old KISS albums on vinyl.

How else were they supposed to prevent the sparrows from flying?

Someone younger won't have the appreciation for the importance this game. It doesn't have enough bits.

You have to remember that Apple tends to not allow apps in the store that compete with Apple provided software. Since they will now have their own maps product built-in to the OS, they could very easily not allow a Google Maps app.

Ending up in the hospital you say? I wonder what the injury could be.

I need to promote this just for using an image that has a Radio Shack TRS-80, my first computer.

They should've used an Align T-Rex 700 F3C. It would be an expensive setup, but would also give you a lot more control over blade speed.

Talk to me when it bounces like that because of hydraulics.

I was surprised, and impressed that it was more of a character driven movie as opposed to a Transporter knock-off.

I love the fact that the drive obviously doesn't know how to spell license plate.

Sam, this was an interesting thought exercise. Right up until the second sentence of the last paragraph when you officially offered up a challenge to some lunatic group somewhere. Lunatic groups do read Giz, right?