
Looks like he's buffed with fluff.

In the plant world, this is a horror story told around campfires.

This guy is in the building where I work.

He obviously did the time warp

Time travel is always wonky if you are using knock-off lingerie.

If that's patentable then I humbly submit the following patent:

Well, not EVERY guy! Some of us actually like feeling clean and smelling nice, and not nice in an Irish Spring sort of way. And there are even straight guys that use body wash! Try some Jack Black All Over Body Wash, it will change your life, and if you must, you can use it on your hair, body, and even your naughty

Like your phone your kid is probably programmed to adjust automatically. So enjoy your 4:30 wake up call.

Yeah, I was a little flabbergasted when he said, "what does that beeping mean?"
That's not just a Zelda trope, that's a... game with a health-bar trope.

"Oh I can get hearts by killing monsters."

About as long as regular butter? If green fuzzies start growing, you've missed your window.

For those of us living in apartments, how bad is the smell when making butter compared to making oil? My experience is that the smell produced by the oil process is the equivalent of running up and down your hallway screaming, "I've got weed in here!" at the top of your lungs.

Just to add, it's only actually legal in 2 countries currently. Cambodia is a de facto legalization, and Uruguay joins the cool kids in April. India's "signs someone may be abusing or addicted to marijuana" are: bloodshot eyes, smell of marijuana or a sweet smell, drowsiness, uncoordinated/awkward movements, and

...If only you could've added good day, sir! because I read this in Her Majesty's voice from first word. Or maybe a John Stewart equivalent, par the Hubert J. Farnsworth effect.

The tuna cans will actually sound better then Beats headphones. More bass doesnt equal better sound. Its a shame the general population doesnt realize that.

This further perpetuates my theory that Iceland is this mythical place assembled by our collective imaginations simply because we want to believe in it enough. 50 years or so ago, you would have sailed straight through the North Atlantic. But sometime during the early 60's, it just appeared. Seemingly from nowhere.

77% of Americans believe in angels. Isolation and inbreeding?