Universal should make a dark & gritty remake of Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein with Natasha Lyonne & Melanie Lynskey as the comedy duo, Mads Mikkelsen as Dracula, and Bruce Campbell as the Wolf Man
Universal should make a dark & gritty remake of Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein with Natasha Lyonne & Melanie Lynskey as the comedy duo, Mads Mikkelsen as Dracula, and Bruce Campbell as the Wolf Man
What Bungie is thinking is that they WANT people to know about this, to drive interest to their game. You’re not going to remain unspoiled when the writers themselves put it as the main focus of their advertising, so you need to let it go.
“I think it caused trouble for my friends [at Valve], and made their lives harder.”
Oh weird. I took a two year break came back four months ago and have played every day since.
Props to Reynolds for being a dick to TJ Miller.
“Old Man” and the C+
I once ran a Star Wars game about infiltrating a Star Destroyer in drydock and the party managed to get stuck in an officer’s dining room for four hours.
Lol ok.
The real monster is the husbands we lost along the way...
Isn’t the only way Google has been getting away with this the fact that nobody’s ever tried to take them to court? All this “we’re a for-profit company, not a public utility” and “we’re not employers and don’t have to abide by labor laws” horseshit needs to go away at somepoint.
Godspeed Bungie. I hope at the very…
HBO Throws Its Viewers the Invisible Bone
Now, bear with me: I initially thought - based on the mysterious cloud dragging a flag streamer - that this was going to be a surprise remake of “Killer Clowns from Outer Space’.
Don’t laugh.
Terrible finale? I fucking loved the finale.
Sorry, DBZA, I will no longer be supporting the official release.
which could come at any time but will likely be at the end of the term.
Hey Spanfeller! Go forever fuck yourself!
Why on earth was Denzel directing an episode Grey’s Anatomy anyway?
The Mandalorian was aggressively mediocre