Headache John

Universal should make a dark & gritty remake of Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein with Natasha Lyonne & Melanie Lynskey as the comedy duo, Mads Mikkelsen as Dracula, and Bruce Campbell as the Wolf Man

What Bungie is thinking is that they WANT people to know about this, to drive interest to their game. You’re not going to remain unspoiled when the writers themselves put it as the main focus of their advertising, so you need to let it go.

Please just use this title.

Yeah sorry. I missed that bit.

Neither Lovecraft nor Poe had any children to form estates, and virtually all of their work is in the public domain anyway.

“I think it caused trouble for my friends [at Valve], and made their lives harder.”

for a second I thought this was Lowe’s, the hardware store.

Oh weird. I took a two year break came back four months ago and have played every day since.

The love is never shown for the ‘60s original show

Props to Reynolds for being a dick to TJ Miller.

“Old Man” and the C+

I once ran a Star Wars game about infiltrating a Star Destroyer in drydock and the party managed to get stuck in an officer’s dining room for four hours.

Lol ok.

Maybe the Celestial Toymaker?  He kind of has a Gepetto vibe.

12th? 12th?! The Starfleet uniforms of the late 2270s to the 2350s as seen in Trek II-VI are the best, and you can fight me irl.

No. Star Trek 2-6 uniforms look better. More like a navy or military would wear. They match for the most part with just a slight difference to indicate division.

They just look more professional overall. If a bunch of guys showed up in those uniforms and in the more pajama looking ones, I’d definitely trust the former

And it was a last minute direction. It was going to be Layla and Taweret together, both actresses were there, but the director decided to keep the scene fully on Layla. So after a quick practice on Taweret’s mannerisms Calamawy did the scene with raw energy and minimal preparation.

but did we really need this poorly-thought-out “get back in shape” training montage?

Who the hell was calling it the “Summer of Morbius”?!

Seems like you’re missing the biggest story of the week: