Wild how the first wave of the Hasbro Marvel Legends had Commander Rogers, with arguably a better headsculpt
Wild how the first wave of the Hasbro Marvel Legends had Commander Rogers, with arguably a better headsculpt
Ha, Anovos went out of business
THIS is how he made his money?
Oh so this is what John Scalzi was referring to recently
Where does he get all this money? Sponsorships? Partnerships? The most blatant money laundering scheme in the world?
This helps my theory that the Traveller wasn’t trying to escape again, but is taking up a defensive position
I don’t think the Traveller was leaving, they are taking up a defensive position - I think they’re going to spend a good part of Lightfall keeping the Black Fleet from getting to the Earth’s surface via Magic Space Ball powers.
Came here to post about D’angelos, was surprised
A friend of mine’s mom was hit on by Weird Al back in the 80's before he was big - She said he was a very sweet dork.
It would not shock me if we get a Destiny 3, or a total overhaul, after The Final Shape
“ unprecedented circumstances” - either computers exploded or the cinematic team threatened to unionize
I may be misrembering, but I thought that nukes didn’t exist in the world of Chainsaw Man, for Chainsaw Man related reasons?
That’s why “Go home and be a family man!” is one of Guile’s win quotes against Ken
What surprises me is that Bungie hasn’t come up with a, for lack of a better term, on demand soundtrack store. Destiny has an amazing score, but there is a lot of music that doesn’t exist in game anymore or was never released in the first place, like the planetary ambient themes.
I had no idea they were married, weird.
One of my high school football coaches was at Notre Dame with Rudy, and HATED him
Sword Logic!
Favorite part about that post was looking at the replies and no one, not a damn soul was agreeing with them
My favorite Asa Butterfield story was apparently he was the first choice for MCU Spider-Man, but when they told him the level of secrecy he would need to maintain it was “Oh I have absolutely no filter, I don’t think I could handle that.”