Headache John

Wild how the first wave of the Hasbro Marvel Legends had Commander Rogers, with arguably a better headsculp

Ha, Anovos went out of business

THIS is how he made his money?

Either Din Djarin is from a culture with Family Name-Given Name order, or “Din” is a title given to Mandalorian Apprentices. An inverse Mon Mothma, as I thought up until Obi-Wan that “Mon” was a title, not her actual name lol

You’re from Iowa, you WORK in Space

Hopefully they carry over his leitmotif from Rebels, which is just so cool

I remember going in completely cold, and the thing that kept giving me whiplash was the cavalcade of my great character actors

I was staring at this thinking “Why does this sound familiar?” and there it is

I think we’re looking at things too literally - Krakoa isn’t ending, but Xavier is

Sweet irony

Oh so this is what John Scalzi was referring to recently 

Anyone else get a copy that’s missing the digital copy sheet?  I’m trying to see if this is a me problem or a widespread issue

I just watched this all in one sitting last week, had a lot of fun, and now I’m furious

It’s a cartoon

Where does he get all this money? Sponsorships? Partnerships? The most blatant money laundering scheme in the world?

This helps my theory that the Traveller wasn’t trying to escape again, but is taking up a defensive position

I don’t think the Traveller was leaving, they are taking up a defensive position  - I think they’re going to spend a good part of Lightfall keeping the Black Fleet from getting to the Earth’s surface via Magic Space Ball powers.

Came here to post about D’angelos, was surprised

A friend of mine’s mom was hit on by Weird Al back in the 80's before he was big - She said he was a very sweet dork.

It would not shock me if we get a Destiny 3, or a total overhaul, after The Final Shape