Headache John


I’ve only known Starhorse for a little under 24 hours, but if anything happened to it, I would kill everyone in this thread and then myself.

I haven’t played in a few months, so you can imagine my surprise when I turned the game on and Xur was talking crazy. More than once, out loud, I yelled “what in the fuck is happening”. Then Xur said “wacky obstacle course” and I love it.

He’s not a real doctor

Before anyone thinks of doing this, please consider:

What does one win for winning “CatDaddyCon”? If the answer does not include the words “commemorative flask”, I don’t want to know.

LoL sometimes I start reading these things without looking at the byline. Then I got to:

Sounds a lot like a.... Pyramidion scheme to me.

Blanc should start the next movie with a thin moustache, and the moustache should grow comically larger with each scene, and nobody ever comments on it.

...that expansion came from the moon!

“Some if you will die on the battlefield of another unnecessary foreign war!” Encouraging speech, Mike.

I have nothing to add except Mystery Incorporated is the best.

—hey guys, i don’t think this is really the Pope

“Hey everybody!! We’re all gonna get laid!!!”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where even the black guy who’s successful is White.

Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop

Quoth the raven: “Zachary Orr.”

Plus it’s not the girlfriend’s fault they broke up. He was obviously seeing someone on the side.

There’s a strong intersection between the type of dude who wants a brown turbo diesel manual wagon, and the type of dude who would fly 5000 miles on a whim to see a woman he’s only texted.