Headache John

unprecedented circumstances” - either computers exploded or the cinematic team threatened to unionize

He has scars on both sides of his face, like the seams of his comic mask.

What’s with Seanan and the pseudonyms?

Another job to justify Titus Welliver’s action figure collection

I may be misrembering, but I thought that nukes didn’t exist in the world of Chainsaw Man, for Chainsaw Man related reasons?

Apropos of nothing, Give Kyle MacLachlan a Star Trek

Did Joey Pants stop working for a while? It felt like he was everywhere, and then nothing

Literally, just roll it back to how it used to be.

Kevin Smith said something to point of, after the first trailer for Ghostbusters (2016) came out “Whoever cuts Paul Feig’s trailers HATES him”


That’s why  “Go home and be a family man!” is one of Guile’s win quotes against Ken

So someone just made that up based on the first trailer and the hints of aliens, Peele has been very consistent that the title is based on the reaction of pretty much anyone to something this weird going on.

So the way I see it, Wanda is “dead,” but they have a end-of-House of M stinger script with an amnesiac Wanda ready to go whenever they figure out where they want to go next/Elizabeth Olsen wants to come back.

I don’t think its Darkhold related per se, but Wanda being taken off the board is how we get House of

If you can’t see the abiding love for Luke Skywalker the person in the Last Jedi, that’s a you problem

Hold on; D&D Beyond, which I purchased rulebooks through, wasn’t already a fully owned subsidiary?

You joke, but a Mickey Mouse-esque series of shorts about Naboo’s Worst Cabbie like fun

Qo’nos is a big planet, maybe Disco Klingons are from an area with frequent falling rocks

It looks cool, movies are a visual medium

What surprises me is that Bungie hasn’t come up with a, for lack of a better term, on demand soundtrack store. Destiny has an amazing score, but there is a lot of music that doesn’t exist in game anymore or was never released in the first place, like the planetary ambient themes.

He made Dredd. I’m there.