Headache John


I saw it in IMAX yesterday, and I felt it in my very soul

Keith David!

Marvel’s team didn’t know if the actor would be game

I had no idea they were married, weird. 

One of my high school football coaches was at Notre Dame with Rudy, and HATED him

Sword Logic!

Those knee joints are wild

Favorite part about that post was looking at the replies and no one, not a damn soul was agreeing with them

Looks like it’ll be on Hulu March 4th

Jean-Paul Valley, AKA Azreal, who took over from Bruce after Bane broke his back. and then promptly went nuts

Danny Elfman has said he will be using Giacchino’s theme

Me, who has listened to the Boba theme at least once per day since the premiere: I believe you are mistaken.

Give Winston Duke his money!

My favorite Asa Butterfield story was apparently he was the first choice for MCU Spider-Man, but when they told him the level of secrecy he would need to maintain it was “Oh I have absolutely no filter, I don’t think I could handle that.”

Maggott was in Children of the Atom a few months ago!

He’s back, and he’s got a BIG WIFE

Im thinking its a missing “my,” otherwise its a dropped “Francis,” which seems more egregious

Im wondering if there was a transcription error, but the thought of Nicolas Cage just calling Francis Ford Coppola “uncle” is extremely funny

Worst: Godzilla Vs Kong