
Then... don't play an open-world game that every reviwer mentions is chocked absolutely full of things to do?

Yeah, quitting ACO an hour or less in would be akin to ditching RDR2 before you get out of the mountains to the Horshoe Overlook camp. That’s where the game opens up just like ACO opens up after your acquire your ship and can leave the opening island.

But at the same time perhaps the OP should realize there is a reason it’s in so many top lists and maybe it’s not odd at all. Because PunditGuy is correct. If he literally didn’t spend more than an hour with it he likely didn’t get off the opening island which is more or less a basic tutorial area. Your options

Tons of games take a couple hours to really get rolling. It’s not realistic to think a lot of games can hook you from the opening scene. As someone else said RDR2 is the exact same way. It’s fine to say a game’s not for you, just don’t say “it’s boring” when you haven’t even made it through the tutorial zone. That’s

Reviewers keep talking about the vast amount of stuff there is to do in AC: O because there is truly a vast amount of stuff to do. I’m not sure how the game could possibly show you all that in the first hour.

So... you didn’t get to the ship combat or sailing, cultist missions, inventory upgrades, free exploration, leader takedowns, mercenary combat, arena, ability upgrades, hunting, war battles, romance options, tomb exploration... but you got bored. The Ritalin isn't stocked near the video games -- look elsewhere.

I mean, did you read the article? Star Allies was not well received at release, hence the updates.

So you don’t think games can exist in different contexts?

You totally forgot about the Final Fantasy VII remake. Nomura is personally responsible for some of the most legendary vapor ware in history haha. 

What, seriously? Do you ACTUALLY think that Nintendo is the only company in the video game industry who cares about video games and the people who play them? (I mean, that statement is itself quite debatable, but I’m not getting into that here.) Just because Nintendo does one thing relatively well, you you think that

I just wish they’d come out with a title that could match up to Picross DS.

I’m a die hard fan for sure and for like... half of the plot lines we have at least an estimate as to what’s going to happen. That being said, every other game decides to throw half of what we know out the window so what the hell do I know? :) 

Silver Lining: The Kingdom Hearts plot is so batshit that even the most die-hard fan stumbling head first into a spoiler video probably won't have any clue what's going on.  

Because based on what we know of this series so far, IT WILL NEVER END.

I just dabbled a bit in Hitman (actually played the exact mission where Luke’s GIF is above, which is not Hitman 2) and am with you 100%. Where that GIF is I was very much in disguise and very careful to toss that target over the railing and into the river - I guess it’s kind of an OCD for immersive roleplaying-type

I have one rule when playing Hitman games - it can’t look like an assassination.

Seems you might be the only one, bud

I personally don’t care to add yet another application/store to my computer. In fact, it’s a reason I don’t buy EA or other games. Bethesda is right now probably the only exception (and I enjoy FO76) so... yeah.

Steam will win no matter what.  We all have a library of a thousand games on Steam.  And Epic and all the other Launchers expect us to bail on that?  lol. Fat chance.  

If you ignore the tentpole system for hunting down and assassinating people, sure. (But yes, I know what you mean. It’s so nice to see a hidden blade!)