Lately, for me? “I’m a Stranger Here” by Five Man Electrical Band, in which an extraterrestrial lands on Earth and asks humanity to account for the mess it’s made of the planet. Humanity recites, defensively:
Lately, for me? “I’m a Stranger Here” by Five Man Electrical Band, in which an extraterrestrial lands on Earth and asks humanity to account for the mess it’s made of the planet. Humanity recites, defensively:
He was formerly a Zen Buddhist monk. So, he had a dash of the heathen himself, you could say :)
Thank you, that solution worked for me too.
I need a hack for copy-pasting the whole report text...
Thank you!
Thank you!
Mayo is a creamy, emulsified fat, and water hates her.
That’s a hell of a lot of synthetic waste that goes into landfill — even if it makes a pit stop en route via donation to an animal shelter or what have you.
A friend opted to replace her lawn with rounded pebbles, Zen garden-style, with a few trees and bushes here and there. The beauty of this is that she chose pebbles and rocks that are pale grey, so there’s minimal absorption of heat (relatively speaking). And of course it’s supremely drought-tolerant and looks fabulous.
I’m up for suggestions re: cheeses, as I’m having imagination fail. (I love crumbly blue cheeses BTW, but sadly the spousal unit does not, so that would have to be added to my personal serving separately.)
But sometimes the boss is the bully. And HR tends to protect management bullies.
Inspired idea! Last time I had broken glass, I reused one of those thick bubblewrap-embedded Amazon delivery envelopes, then put it directly into our apartment building’s garbage skip. But the sugar bag idea is much better.
No dishwasher. No lawn. No hose. No car. No pool.
The tricky bit, I find, is shooing away the clouds that emerge of nowhere on the peak nights...
Just wanted to add that when you hit a certain age, many doctors will see you as a “complaining old person” irrespective of your health issue. Especially (although not exclusively) if you’re female. My first meditation teacher told me how she described her problem to a new doctor and saw a portcullis coming down over…
Same question for those of us in Canada, the UK and elsewhere that got AstraZeneca...
OK, I am far too tech-challenged to really get this, so please let me ask a couple of dim questions.
For those of us who are limiting sugars/carbs... frozen keto bars are fantastic!
Claire, the usefulness of your (really wonderful) article is greatly undermined by having
In my household, when a laundry item is inside a mesh bag, it means exactly one thing. Don’t put this into the dryer. This includes delicates — obviously — but also linen tea-towels (which don’t do well in the dryer), our precious Thermohair kid mohair socks (ditto), and any item that’s being stain-treated (because…