
This article could have fitted in a tweet.

I currently live in an apartment with an appallingly short tub. I’m five-foot-four, and it’s too short for me to really enjoy. But, once upon a time... I lived in a shared house that had a conservatory-like bathroom, ferns everywhere, roof with a skylight, and an old, huge, clawfoot porcelain cast-iron bathtub. Yes —

This has been my method for years and years, for all the reasons mentioned!

To all those people who say “But, holidays!” ... you could try starting your six months in November.*

Perfect for “poor [wo]man’s garlic bread”! I’ve used that in the past, when I didn’t have any fresh garlic around but still craved garlic bread.

I always line our countertop compost bin with a compostable bag. When it’s time to be emptied, and the bag is wet and maybe a bit drippy, I just use a kitchen sponge to dry off the outside before putting it in our building’s large compost bin.

This is also solid advice for a picnic. Best one I ever had was where we omitted most of our regular items and went for a host of finger foods such as prosciutto or coppa di Parma, a “boozy” cheese or two, spreadable rosemary pesto... Oh, and snap peas and cherry tomatoes and such. (Important: leave out the tomatoes

Now playing

The “I have been falling...for thirty minutes!” gag felt like it came straight out of Duck Amuck.

(Loki will probably do that, too...)

I agree. There’s a frenzied quality to all this racist anti-democratic scheming, and it’s surely because the clock is running out on white hegemony.

Yes! This reminded me of an elderly great-aunt’s garden that I visited when I was four: full of flowers spilling their fragrances, bees buzzing lazily around, fruit just waiting to be picked, and everything sun-warmed and inviting. Eden it truly was.

This is true of tomatoes, too.

Why is it that sometimes the grammatically incorrect phrase, such as “between you and I,” actually sounds more right than its grammatically correct version, “between you and me”?

Came here to say that. It’s possible the individual being quoted was educated in, or lives in, the UK. (Although, like you, I thought “Daniel” sounded  distinctly American.)

Fruit flies sometimes establish colonies in the soil of overwatered plants, too.

We always roast our yams -- thank you, Claire, for the column where you recommended that -- and now it sounds like we’ll be freezing those pups afterwards, too. I can’t wait to try this!

I remember first going running as a teenager, trying to improve my fitness, jogging along suburban streets, trying to avoid cars on streets that had no sidewalks, huffing and puffing even through snowstorms (Canadian winters of yesteryear) ... and wondering when, if ever, I would experience the “runner’s high” I kept

Little did I know, on my last trip to Ireland, that the sweet earthy scent of burning peat briquettes was the smell of climate death :(