
...So he just keeps on truckin’.

Technically a hyphen or “minus sign” (-), not a dash (—). This probably sounds like a quibble, but one works while the other doesn’t.

Catholics (Martin Sheen, Trevor Howard) was a futuristic take on the Catholic church, set in a monastic community in the west of Ireland after the “Third Vatican Council.” But it was a TV movie, so probably doesn’t quite qualify.

Ah OK, for diagnostic purposes. That makes a lot of sense. Thank you!

Make a backup of your device and then completely reset your iPhone—but when you set it up anew, don’t restore from the backup; chose the manual option (most of your apps will store their data in the cloud, allowing you to sync them as-needed rather than loading everything back onto your device all at once).  

Wow, that sentence got mangled.

Ooh thanks for this reminder. I have some almond flour that’s been on the shelf for about 3 months. Better use that sucker before it starts going off!

Can’t speak for the above commenter, but I avoid Mason jars because inevitably some dressing works its way into the threads of both jar and lid. Cue resulting drips and mess.

We use double-walled glasses in my household, especially in summer. Looks cool and pretty, the contents are insulated, and best of all — no condensation.

May I just praise Korean fried chicken? Excessively and in song? It’s the best! Anthony Bourdain thought so too.

My mother was tormented by tinnitus since her middle age — we never worked out why, as she didn’t listen to loud music or engage in anything we could identify as a cause. Then later, when she was dying of pancreatic cancer, I woke up one day with very high-pitched bilateral tinnitus. Again, I hadn’t listened to loud

Yes, I think we need some new guidance based on climate change and its effects on where we live. 

I once had a manager who demanded we submit spreadsheets detailing how we spent our time. As in, increments of 10 minutes. And then we had to roll up the results and submit them by email each week, along with a written summary. Because most of us worked on multiple projects, and were chronically interrupted by that

OMG, you have my sympathies.

Sweet! Thanks for the tip!

Was Johnny a Canadian schoolboy? That’s a lot of CanCon right there.

But can a blueberry bush be grown in a pot? Apartment dwellers want to know!

My husband and I both watched several (excellent!) YouTube videos by a stylist called Regal Gentleman, and that gave us the courage to give it a try. Spousal unit was a little terrified to cut my hair, but he did OK! And I started to enjoy cutting his. There’s a sculptural aspect to it that’s kind of wonderful.

Some of us live in rental accommodation where we don’t have the liberty to install our own solutions.

Should you be worried about the massive space rock that could, theoretically, spell disaster if it were to make landfall on terra firma? No, you shouldn’t. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore it either.