
The Canadian Red Cross is the worst. They are always sending packages filled with cheap promotional goods (personalized notepads! ballpoint pens! cardboard coasters with birds on them!) and loads of shameless bumph (a certificate that says you! donated! money to them!!!). It’s clear they’re spending a lot of donor

Now, was Laszlo’s gifting of the Big Mouth Billy Bass done in good faith, or not?

People really need to know this: the silicone spatula is your friend.

LibraryThing was the first such service of its kind, and I got on board with it then. Many people went over to GoodReads, but I liked LT enough to stick with it - partly because of its immense flexibility (I also used it to track our video library and so forth), but also because the developers were so responsive. Nice

How do I stay humble? Well, it’s not easy, but I start by being generally bad at most things.” — Godville hero/ine diary entry

I use the desktop app about 80% of the time, the mobile app 20%. Desktop is generally more convenient for me.

Good news about The Good Place season 4! Hopefully it’ll become available on Netflix Canada too. That show was a welcome discovery during the depths of COVID lockdown earlier this year. I can’t wait to see the last season.

I have a dear friend who from day 1 of lockdown kept fantasizing that this’d be over in a matter of weeks. I suggested she assume an end date of 2021 (at best), just so she wouldn’t feel more depressed as each week and month ticks by without a vaccine. Of course, if somehow it’s over before then — gravy! Better a

We should have a contest for most disgusting furry fridge food...

I completely agree with you and would give you all the stars except that for some reason I don’t seem to be able to star people at the moment :)

Ooh, I’m gonna try your oil:acid ratio. Obviously I’ve been doing things ass-backwards because I’ve been doing a 2:1 acid-to-oil ratio instead (where the acid is typically balsamic vinegar). And yeah, a bit tangy! Not that it’s a bad thing... ;)

My mom died long before I went into perimenopause, and I don’t have any older sisters, so I had to go online for advice. The Menopause ChitChat forum was pretty helpful, so I’m gonna share it here in case it might be useful to any of you:

Ha ha, fair enough. Their passionate love of the Almighty Dollar (and the loss of what export trade you guys still have) was what I thought might move them. I’m well aware appealing to their better nature is a waste of time.

Is there a way we foreigners can add our weight to this? I often have purchases shipped from the USA - but only if they’re coming via the USPS, because UPS and the other expedited shippers typically charge notoriously high cross-border brokerage charges, sometimes totalling more than the value of the item itself.


The outer albumin is thin and watery, and spreads out further in the pan; while the middle albumin is thicker, spreads less, and stands higher in the pan than.

What would I do with a kitchen brick? Knowing me, I would:

But how do we know which companies are to be trusted?

That’s a good one!

In Jacksonville I got a flu virus named after me as I kissed a bat on a dare
