
I read this earlier and cried. We need fucking universal health care in this country. Greatest country in the world my ass. I legitimately want to move to Canada no matter who wins this election.

This is what happens in a country that has expensive healthcare. This is a political problem. And it is literally a matter of life and death. Some people resort to death if they can’t afford medications or treatment. Others resort to prostitution or doing dangerous things to make money just to fucking live (and live

Fifty years together.

Now playing

and the lovely bloody dance with lily and dorian!

Eva Green is criminally underrated as an actress. She is absolutely stunning on this show.

I have just finally gotten to the point in life where I am comfortable wearing tops that aren’t super loose or conservative because of all of the shit I got in middle school and high school for having large breasts in proportion to my frame. Fuck those supervisors for pulling that bullshit. It is that type of behavior

God, tell me about it! I remember trying on bridesmaids dresses for a family wedding as a barely 20 year old and feeling SO inappropriate because of my breast size...I remember the comments from my own family about it...

I’ve dealt with similar people asking why as a guy I would ever considering a playing a game with a female protagonist (or choose a female protagonist when there is an option). They never seem to understand that putting oneself into another prospective is actually a GOOD thing. :/

All Mike Judge’s films are Stealth Brilliant.

I think the worst part is that it’s bad enough when the public at large and men specifically laugh at shit like this—but he’s a lawmaker.

That song totally made the movie. I listened to an interview with the actor who plays Lumberg the other day on NPR, and he said that he felt like the movie was a failure after the theater release did poorly. Then, a year or so later, people started quoting his lines to him everywhere he went. It is truly a stellar

I did feel a bit like the Office Space guys after they trashed the fax machine. :-J

Boy if that isn’t the truth. I have worked with countless men, many who were/are ugly, who did nothing but bitch and moan about their wives. I imagined the wives were something like a hunchback or some shit and these guys were doing some public service by marrying them. At the company holiday party I got to meet them.

The guy making the comments is the stunner in the middle. The youngest 44 year old senior citizen. Pay no attention to the dark hallows under the eyes, the terrible hairpiece, the mouth melting at the corners, the extreme lack of muscular definition on any part of his face or body, or the inability to tie a fucking


It’s also always the guy who’s married and does nothing but complain about being married even though he’s lucky he somehow stumbled into someone willing to put up with him. And getting one of those comments followed by an “amirite” is the worst. Dude, fuck off. No.

As gross as his comments/amendment suggestions were, I’m more disgusted by the fact that he tacked this on to a bill aimed at human trafficking. There are moments for levity and this was not one of them. Comedy is about timing.

I don’t think so, because Peter’s jokes can sometimes be funny.

I can’t with guys like this. That was a complete asshole move.

It’s ALWAYS the overweight, unattractive men going on and on about what level of attractiveness is appropriate for women.