
Why the fuck would you send a video of your wife giving birth to family and friends? Nobody wants to see that! Just send a pic of the baby and everyone will be just as happy.

Or maybe we should not.

I hate to be that person, but calling it his wife’s birth is just too glaring. Child’s birth. CHILD. As it is written now is....ick.


Please don’t apologise: this situation is so incredibly frustrating. The politicians are the ones who should be apologising — to you.

aww thanks. It was the most horrid experience ever. I had another child then (from my rapist ex) and had to move her baby crib with toys, diapers, and bottle supplies so I could just wait until everything was over.
people who pass these bills act like having an abortion is the easiest decision ever made and fuck that

This is the most fucked up shit and I live in Texas. As someone who had to do an at-home abortion after my 2nd rape because I couldn’t afford even the cheapest one offered here years ago, these laws will lead to more women like myself who are poor doing their abortions in back alleys or bleeding for days like I did to

“I firmly believe life begins at conception and anything we can do to protect human life I’m all for,” she added.

The wording they’re using to describe his experience in prison is fucking foul. I’m supposed to feel bad for this motherfucker who sexually assaulted a teen, got off light for it, and only went to prison because he violated his parole? SERIOUSLY? That motherfucker should have been in jail for longer than 2 months. His

Oh my God, you guys, prison was like so hard.

Wow. So now he gets what it’s like for someone to trap you and force you to undergo an experience you don’t want to go through?* Huh?

TBH I think I would have a grudging respect for a woman who managed a prison break whilst in active labor.

As a woman who has done a collective 27 hours of labor and delivery between two babies, I assure you, assholes who insist on continuing to shackle women giving birth, that the chains are not what’s keeping her from escaping you.

Men will NEVER admit they are the most dangerous threat to other people in this world. Not all of them, of course, but men in general have caused fare more deaths than any woman, child, or animal (except maybe mosquitos!) . Whether it’s their egos or greed, they seem to be the root of most evil. They’re the ones

Back when I dumped my ex, my toddler daughter and I lived with my mother for a bit. She lived in some closely-packed condos, and her next-door neighbor decided to ask her out one day. She said no. So the next day he came up to me, sitting on our front stoop watching my daughter on her little ride-on toy, and said he

Those who hurt children do not fair well in prison.

I offer this girl a kidney, blood, bone marrow, whatever I’ve got that will help. Just, please God, let her live. Don’t let the shooting be the last event of her life.

Some neighbors in the area, Local Memphis writes, are wondering why the young girl was out so late at night with her mother

why didnt she just give him a chance u guys

Getting a lot of mileage out of this gif today. Gisele, I’m looking at you.