
As a cut hourglass figure with big boobs I loathe VS. No support. Flimsy. My mom showed me Venus and I love it. A bit pricey but I can run without an accidental nip slip. Cute designs too.

As a retired ballroom dance instructor (loathe that show BTW) those aren’t lusty stares. Those are the let’s get this over with, get out of this hideous dress and go drink after look. And hip thrusts? Get real! It’s a part of the routine and goes by so quickly you don’t notice.

Look, I’ve grown up in the south and everyone had guns. We did for hunting and I still do but they’re locked away on a very high shelf. But this? This shit makes me sick and want to sell them.

Ehh. As a Native American woman that went to school with a huge diversity of races all the girls had these braids. It’s hotter than the devil’s ass during the summer and we played all kinds of sports. To me braids are just braids. When my daughter is old enough I’ll braid her hair in the fashion of my tribe even

Never ran so fast in my life. Never.

I was 19 and parents asked me to watch one of my little brothers while they went out. Sure. No big deal. Quick story about the house: previous owners was a raging alcoholic, his wife and three boys. He goes on a drunken rampage and kills the boys and himself but wife barely survived. Needless to say the house was

God fucking damn it all to hell! My home state keeps fucking up and making me recant all of the good things I say about it. Fuck!

Wow. I have no words. My problem seems small in comparison.

I’m so sorry. That’s confusing as hell and no wonder you thought he was into you. If it helps you will find someone amazing.

Ever have your love life go up in flames and there is nothing to be done and nothing you could have done to stop it? Yeah. That. Fml

Stop letting me drink people!

Wherever that guy is he should burn in hell.

We do. Assuming this was just a spat and he doesn’t decide to leave. We have some issues besides this. It may just be in my head but I feel like I can never cry or be truly vulnerable. He says he’s the strong one but I am always comforting him not the other way around. I know one day I will need to let it a out but

Crash Bandicoot

My husband is in rehab for alcoholism and today his brother, our baby and myself went to visit him. Immediately he jumped my case for not bringing him a towel. I told him, “Please. Not now. I had a very hard day.” Whoops. Wrong thing to say. So In group everyone was nice around me and introduced themselves except a

He is the best! He not only had three step kids with three different dads and two of his own with my mom but he said he had five kids not step kids. He went toe to toe with my abusive dad and is the tampon king.

Applause! Same. My monster will know it all before preschool like myself. I don’t need her getting the wrong info from her peers.

My mom is so awesome. My step dad is just as awesome. He would remind you of Jay from Modern Family (bad comparison but the personality is spot on). Football and etc but was an undercover feminist. He was very quick to shut down slut shaming and pushed my siblings and myself to be feminists and to fight for those that

I was raised on a horse ranch and one day when I was 4 or 5 I was walking with my mom when I saw two horses having sex. I asked my mom what they were doing. She said, “Shit. I thought I told you. I guess it was your sister I told when she was younger.” She gave me a very detailed explanation of what sex is and only to

As someone in medical school and whose family are nurses they can make or break your shift if you’re an asshole. I have mad respect for the nurses who deal with the crazy bullshit all day everyday. Thank you. Really thank you. You are the backbone of the medical field.