I'm Figuratively Dead

i agree with Clooney. and anyone who discounts him b/c he’s rich, famous, doesn’t live in the US, whatever, is not addressing what Clooney (& several other people, incl other big Dem donors & many Dem politicians) are actually saying. that kind “what do we care what he thinks?” petulance is not an argument or even a

Next year when Trump is President and the Supreme Court strikes down gay marriage, “...but he had a bad debate...”

I think what makes people not care about the Nepo Baby thing in Hollywood is not only if they’re chill about it, but if they’re also genuinely talented. And while I have no academic research to back this upcoming claim (...yet), it feels like the Hollywood Nepo Babies that are actually talented usually ARE the ones

With most other nepo baby actors, I would dismiss this out of hand as a slightly more sophisticated PR tactic...

oh no

I hope this drives Portia di Rossi into un-retiring and starting to make sitcoms again 

thanks for reminding me that show exists again. apparently they’re only halfway done production?! i get there were strikes but shit.

At least its not Stranger Things.   By the time Season 5 some of the older “teenagers” on the show are going to be over 30

She’ll be back with a memoir all about how she was cancelled and silenced.

Yeah it feels more like a way to get attention.   I think she is hoping people come out for her and tell her how great she is, but I wonder how much of a monster she really was back stage.  


K bye

I’ll believe her when I (don’t) see her.  I feel like very few celebrities who announce they’re quitting actually follow through.  The ones who quit just... you know, quit and fade away.

Since many of the posters here (me included) are often criticizing the writing on the site, it’s worth saying -- this review is very well written.

This is the last time you’re going to see me.”

I mean, if she’s tired of hearing people say bad things about her (no matter how justified they may be), she’s 66 and has “fuck you” money. So why not just go be a regular, old, retiree?

i think it’ll be good and i’ll happily sit down and watch it, but man the scheduling and timing of these things really zaps my enthusiasm.

I don’t know why democrat leadership is calling on Joe Biden to drop out of the race and why they’re all suddenly like he’s too old and acting like this is news. Demorat voters were saying this in 2016. The DNC should never have let him run, but they did, so they need to back their old ass fucking horse now.

The Dem Establishment really hurt itself by being hyper-conservative about not challenging leaders at the end of their careers who should be retired. That’s how Feinstein ended up dying in office at age 89 and why we have Biden now with no one good (or at least Trump beatable) to replace him. Special thanks local

He’s right about everything, we all know it, and nothing will happen. I’ll vote against Trump no matter what but more and more I’m feeling resigned to the likelihood that Trump is going to win simply because the Democrats couldn’t force an old man who clearly isn’t fit for office out, run a proper primary, and replace