I'm Figuratively Dead

I’ve had a really embarrassing couple of days and this put things in perspective.

This is NOT some bullshit.

It’s Heather Donahue, not Karen.

What a jackass.

It has to be sponsored content because that’s the only way I’ll be able to sleep at night. 

I’m still trying to wrap my head around you guys covering Palm Royale and not X-Men ‘97

Someone put together a cut that was similar to the director’s intended vision. I unironically love it.

I’m debating on buying the doll even though I know it’ll be way overpriced. But, it’s Pee-wee!

You’re right, he can’t undo it. It’d be one thing if it was a few instances. This was a pattern of behavior for decades. He needs to shut up and listen. No one needs his input. 

Aw, well as long as he’s sorry.

Straight out of Hollywood’s playbook for rapists and abusers. Lay low for a few years, maybe with a stay at Chateau de Downey Jr. Then come back consequence-free. Nate Parker was just at the Oscars. Conor McGregor is doing interviews with puppies for Road House. It won’t be long until Jonathan Majors is back on the

I’ve always hated his face.

I just started this a couple of days ago! Just finished another binge of Dollhouse which led to me needing more Alan Tudyk in my life. God, I have such a crush on him. 

“Their right to exist.”

LOL remember the time John Stamos tricked a girl who thought she was going to have sex with him and then had his friend sneak in and take his place, unbeknownst to her? Uncle Jesse can fuck right off.

Yeah and I’m not happy about it. How else am I supposed to let the world know I identify with Mac’s mom?

There shouldn’t have even been a second season. 

It was such a letdown. I finished the first season but I couldn’t stomach anymore.