I'm Figuratively Dead

I’ve seen it. Decent and entertaining stuff but it no way does it deserve an Emmy nom. The show’s style and tone is basically Atlanta with gun violence with Glover’s character a facsimile of Earn.

How many awards is The Bear going to steal from actual comedies this year?

I have no opinion on the quality of the show because I haven’t seen it, I’m just surprised to see so many noms for Mr. and Mrs. Smith, mainly because it just seemed to come and go. I don’t remember anyone really talking or posting about it. I would have assumed the collective reaction to it was “meh.” Maybe not?

Big names with big representation that wined and dined the selection committee

The Morning Show is ridiculously over-represented. It’s glossy trash.

So strange that Palm Royale would make the cut over The Curse. 

Having just finished The Bear season 3, I really don’t know why you would call that a comedy. Like it has jokes, but if that’s the bar for a comedy then I assume that means pretty much anything is a comedy.

9 acting nominations for the Morning Show?? Jesus.

This is the weakest Emmy line up in years. The Crown?! The final 3 seasons were utter shit. 

There appears to be a mistake. I don’t see The Curse anywhere.

Jack’s reaction here is really disappointing. Even if he disagreed with the comment and thought it was in bad taste, throwing your friend and creative partner for decades under the bus to this extent is a big shame.

A friend of mine who’s going through a really tough time right now had tickets to their Adelaide show. I’m not saying this is the worst thing that’s happened to him recently, but it sure doesn’t help.

Sorry but it’s not “hate speech” to wish a fascist was dead. It’s banal and Black is a douchebag for reacting like this.

Definitely didn’t feel this one at all. It exists somewhere in the space between Silence of the Lambs, Cure, and Hereditary, but isn’t anywhere near as good as any of those and felt like it kept undermining its own atmosphere (which is the only thing it really had going for it).

Humour is subjective of course, but I am one of those who finds Kenan Thompson’s comedic chops to be pretty one-note. (To me, he’s always the same game show host/singing the same medley/mugging the same expression, but I digress). However, that’s not to knock him. I’m sure he’s made me laugh, he clearly he has his

He sticks to what he’s good at, which is bringing his A game to every sketch, and he deserves all the credit for that.

Sounds like the Lonely Island piece is what put him over the top. The rest of the cast and writers are exhausted on Wednesday after the table read but at least they get some rest. LI then had to do a second job with the same timing expectations. That does sound nearly impossible to keep up with.

Considering he was on All That as a child, it might just be in his nature at this point. It’s all he’s ever known

I saw it last night and came back here questioning that “A” grade. It was…fine, but never really scary and had several plot holes you could drive Nic Cage’s prosthetic chin through

If you’ve seen Silence of the lambs, Psycho, Jaws, Blair Witch, Seven, Zodiac, Carrie, Halloween, The Omen, The Sixth Sense, No country for old Men, Rosemary’s Baby, Megan or Nosforatu, you may (or may not) enjoy Longlegs for what it’s worth: a horror pastiche made for an atmosphere full of dread and not much else.