I'm Figuratively Dead

Possibly unpopular take?: It doesn’t feel like 2016 again, because IIRC there was a general sense then that of course Trump wouldn’t actually win and even he seemed surprised that he did.

Sasheer Zamata did three years on SNL (2014-2017), so that’s something.

I saw Gretel & Hansel in the theater (February 2020, one my last moviegoing experiences for about 1 year and a half as COVID was looming), and it was a gorgeously shot film and had creepy atmosphere in spades, but I recall getting a bit bored by the last act. Perkins’ previous film, The Blackcoat’s Daughter, is one of

Sasheer Zamata was on SNL for a number of years.

I haven’t seen this, but Sophia Lillis is great in general and I did enjoy The Blackcoat’s Daughter so I should check it out.

at this point do people really care? Feels like its equivalent to hassling George R.R. about finishing the next GoT novel.  move on, people!

To be more clear than maybe I was in my OP, I don’t think either Trump or Biden should be able to run for president as they’re both similarly old.

Agreed, that’s a pretty horrible thing for him to respond with. He is being shockingly arrogant about this whole. situation

I did my best is not exactly words of encouragement when your enemy is saying he wants to be a dictator.

Yeah, a lot of people focus too much on the overall percentage when unfortunately the nightmare that is the Electoral College makes individual states matter a lot.  And unfortunately said states are not swaying Joe’s way.

I saw Weekend at Bernie’s ages ago as a little kid, but whenever it’s brought up I always think about when it was referenced on It’s Always Sunny and Dennis’s musings on the movie:

I sort of feel like suspension of disbelief is what I’m paying the movie to do for me. Not consistently be reminded... “oh yeah, I’m not supposed to think about how dumb this is”

Home Alone 2: Lost In New York. It’s beat-for-beat the exact same story as the first movie, except now it’s in New York.

Yeah you just gotta go with it as farce. Suspension of disbelief is key to enjoying this movie. I remember enjoying it despite recalling almost nothing about it outside of them unknowingly banging his body off the navigation buoys.

Thank you for helping me get it straight. I’m glad there’s a better-versed Bernieologist here.

“I was looking at my watch/ “I’m blind” is the funniest line in the history of cinema. I will consider dying on this hill.

I feel like we, as a society, don’t appreciate Terry Kiser’s physical comedy performance in this movie nearly enough. It’s genuinely pretty damned phenomenal. 

The boys discover his dead body and for reasons that barely make sense, even in-universe, decide to pretend he’s still alive for the weekend

One of my favorite movies and a pretty tight screwball farce.