I'm Figuratively Dead

Just replace him with Harris and tell him he's still president and won. Not like he'd notice, anyway. 

Need to recast the entire X-Men cast. Jackman is mid-50's, Stewart in 80's and the others were miscast (Halle Berry, James Marsden, Anna Paquin.....) and Famke Janssen messed up her face with plastic surgery....

I would like to see a brother-sister movie with Anya Taylor-Joy as Magik and Stefan Kapičić as Colossus.  I think that would be heart-warming!

The circumstances of how he hit the person are the big reason behind it. It wasn’t a bar fight, it wasn’t a private heated argument. He got out of his chair, walked 50 yards on to a stage during an international broadcast of the Oscars, and slapped a comedian who made a dumb joke. Yes to the rest of the world, that

Ah using pseudo-Christian redemption cues in a pandering fashion - Big Willy Style. Who are we to judge?! 

Will is clearly in the bargaining stage of career grief. When this whatever it is doesn’t hit like he thought it would, then depression will set in; acceptance is not too far down the road.

I know most Shyamalan movies sound kinda cool in concept, and always disappoint in reality as plodding, wooden boring duds...but maybe this one will be different

I think I ended up liking Pearl more than X, but ultimately am not too much of a fan of these slow burn indie horror movies and didn’t think either were that great. Alas, I am a completionist and do find Mia Goth’s performance pretty compelling so will probably end up checking this out when its on streaming given the

My version: ‘Working on set with Alec Baldwin’

“The deadliest profession in the world” being Baldwin’s cinematographer?

For real. Sabertooth is such an enormous character that it’s a real waste to use him as a silent henchman.

I hope they bring in a new cast for the next X-Men. The Fox and Sony cameos have been fun, but the fresh takes are what’s fun about these franchises and what can keep the MCU going into the next decade. That someone would lament the lack of “celebrities” left is funny considering Hugh Jackman was unknown and a last

I think I still have a hard drive with old torrented Daily Show episodes somewhere... which I found in the woods and totally didn’t download myself, of course.

Yeah, a blanket denial just makes the accusations seem more believable, honestly. 

This sealioning crap is just boring, don’t act like a coward, just admit you don’t think hate crimes and hate speech aren’t a big deal. Not sure how acting like a complete moron helps your cause.

Sounds like an Onion headline: “I’m Actually a Great Guy” Claims Angry Jerk

besides the hate crimes and the hate speech? Middlebrow action flicks, mostly redbox stuff.

I mean.... the man committed a series of violent hate crimes. I don’t see anyone calling for him to be “canceled” or boycotting the movie. I can still enjoy his performances in The Departed and The Other Guys, but I think it’s totally fair to keep bringing it up.

Seriously, why must repeatedly acting like a sack of shit give a guy a reputation??

I assumed it was about him single handedly stopping 9/11.