I'm Figuratively Dead

Dreyfuss: “God I hate these stupid *&^% things. How can I make sure I never get invited to another one of these. Oh, I know...”

Cruise is Scientology’s golden boy, every aspect of his life and his presentation to the world is carefully curated.  The real Cruise, who exists behind compound doors, is not so great.

If Glen Powell’s eyes were any closer together, he would be a cyclops

There was a rumour that Glen Powell didn’t split up with his ex because of his flirting with Sydney Sweeney during the Anyone But You publicity, but because he’d got heavily into Scientology since meeting Cruise during Top Gun Maverick. All this ‘Tom is a great and very fun and normal guy!’ stuff seems to speak to

I count myself a fan of Cruise’s professional work, especially with how he architected his career in a very strategic and calculated way.

I have heard that as well but I gotta wonder if some of that is just loosening people up for the cult sell

People are of course complaining about him not being allowed to do and say whatever he wants, but the reality is that he can do and say whatever he wants, but the people who paid an organization to see a talk that was supposed to be about Jaws also have the right to be pissed and demand their money back. 

It’s been pretty well known that this guy is just an asshole. Hence his career being reduced to ultra low budget straight to redbox movies. 

I sure would be pissed if I paid to go to a screening of movie and an appearance by one of the stars and he started going on about political crap from either side. Talk about the movie, dummy. That’s all we’re here for, not the great privilege of hearing your view of society. Just give us one of those stories about

That’s a lot of words to just mean “dickhead.”

I mean, dude BEEN a prick for decades now. 

Aw, I was hoping it was going to be the year of the yurt.

Now playing

Listen up Minaj. It’s a mirage. This is sabotage.

Weird how “Young” Dexter is going to be 30 by the time the show airs next year, while “old” Dexter was only 36 when the original series came out. 

Just bring back unaged Michael C. Hall in a bad wig, you cowards.

The numerous flashbacks in Dexter weren’t enough of a prequel?


He certainly doesn’t come off too well after having those Depp texts made public at trial. Maybe he is the worst Avenger!

He’s my favourite movie star with a size 10 head and a size 8 face.

How the Hell are Niles and Daphne not on the list?