I'm Figuratively Dead

It tastes too much like the insides of a cow.

I loved Splash Mountain and it’s characters and songs, but also love Tiana so not going the make *that* complaint. I only hope it’s not just a quick re-skinning, because Tiana deserves better.

*falls asleep*

It seems so ancient now, but I distinctly remember a time when the MTV awards were something that I looked forward to (FWIW, middle school and high school in the 90s/00s), largely enjoyed, and talked about with my friends the next day. I am not sure how you “reimagine” them or whatever, but it does seem like their

This man had one of the biggest shows in the world for its time literally named after him, and he’s still managed to be less relevant than all his costars. That’s talent.

Someone punched Steve Buscemi?

I’m sure Mayor Adams will pop up to make a big show of this and make it all about himself anytime now.

I am aware of Hot Ones and my opinion remains. 

getting punched in the face before lunch is wild shit. 

The show has always made a punching bag out of Jost, but Sarah has turned it into an artform.

Sarah Sherman with Colin Jost is never not funny.

You noticed too! Exactly, for the last few shows he keeps bailing on his own jokes in the middle of the punchline, on EVERY joke. He's lost confidence in his material or something. The weird thing is that the audience laughs anyways but he acts like he bombed. It's very weird. Hope he gets it together over the summer

I fucking hope not, lol

At least one of them has her thetans to blame though.

I’d give this one a C. I liked the Mother opening monologue, but things went down quickly from there. Nothing was bad, but everything was just mildly amusing. Never been a fan of Rudolph’s Beyonce though so Hot Ones was a bit of a rough watch.

Not really an Armison fan, but Portlandia was genius.

It’s existence is obviously a reaction to the way society devalues women, but I think the whole “Yasss Queen,” “GirlBoss,” “Mother” thing actually diminishes women rather then elevating them.

I have a performer crush on Heidi Gardner - not only because she’s pretty but because she does pissed off in a way I completely relate to. I liked her bit on weekend update but am curious why she and her mom weren’t in the cold open.