I'm Figuratively Dead

I was going to make a comment on Switzerland winning, but I’ve decided to remain neutral.

Were you one of the staffers praising Smith for slapping Chris Rock? Or was that every other writer on the AVClub?

I finally read about Seinfeld ‘dating’ a 17-year-old when he was 39. Overall, I thought he was f-ing disgusting! I appreciated the early-1990's press doing its best to avoid obvious terms like ‘predator’, and ‘pervert’, and ‘gross’, but what else are you going to expect? Journalism?!!! Ha ha. J/k.

Dang, listing Rebel Moon as the only credit for Djimon Hounsou is doing him dirty. 

It’s just regular old PEMDAS: Paramount+, Exponents, Max, Disney+, Apple TV+, and Subtraction

Because every X-Men cartoon since since Evolution (which ended over 20 years ago) has floundered and failed after a single season. As a result, the show never had a chance to expand the team beyond its most popular core members.

To be fair the show was off the air for 27 of those thirty years. 


I see new cast members being added to Wednesday, but “cast changes” typically implies that one actor is being replaced in a roll by another actor. I’m not seeing that here. Am I missing something or was this just kind of a clickbaity headline?

but can they siiiiiiiinnnnnnnng?

Product in use:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. sorry Biran Fuller maybe your next show and you’ll eventually leave or get fired from will work out.

Chris Pine:  How much could a shabby apartment in LA cost?  Ten dollars?

I’m a big fan of Pine, and good for him for making his own version of BIG LEBOWSKI, but this:

Ah yes, The Gentleman’s F returns.

can we stop with all the shows set on resorts now?

Yeah, it’s lose lose but I rather Biden who is an STD to our country than Trump who would be like all of us Getting AIDS. It’s sucks either way but we put overselves in the position that these 2 are the 2 we have to choose from.

Yup, I’m voting for Biden as well but as brown person he can fuck off as well and fuck any white person who doesn’t understand why brown people are having a hard time with this.

I can’t believe we have to choose between a guy who will certainly spark a genocide, and a guy already actively supporting one.

I mean, I’m going to vote for Biden, because he’s still somehow the lesser evil, but the Dems really don’t help their “there are differences between the parties!” argument by (not so) slowly

I don’t like Macklemore, but I have to respect him for this.