I'm Figuratively Dead

It infuriates me that when a person seeks an abortion so they don’t get murdered by their parent/spouse/significant other/etc, some self-righteous pro-lifer is going to call that “abortion for convenience”.

Already knew Seinfeld was an asshole, but... wow.

Mulaney not being funny might have something to do with it.  Dude isn't likable.  Maybe he should stick to writing?

tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A-minor

Biggest laugh of the entire episode for me was “’til he drinks”.  Bad sketch but a couple of funny moments.

If you read the entirety of Seinfeld’s comments, they’re not radical or even unreasonable.

I really wish Amy Schumer would stop getting work, but I guess it makes sense for her to appear in this, given that Seinfeld’s making the news for being tone-deaf.

How about the time he dated a 17-year-old at age 38? What are your thoughts on that?

I really liked his first few movies, and his first Netflix show, but as he gets increasingly bigger budgets and popularity, he has settled into a certain predictable formula of doing things that I find off-putting: the cheap jump scares, the dripping sentimentality, and yeah, those goddamn monologues.

I actually like Flanagan’s output for the most part, but I would say the pacing in most of his stuff is pretty bad. Midnight Mass especially would continuously grind to a halt when characters would launch into 7 minute soliloquies.

We’re calling these classic Nokia phones “brick phones” now?

Why does Logan have a picture of Scott and Jean on his nightstand?

Personally I’d love to hear more about the Weird Al movie from Radcliffe.

Four is better

I agree - while Remedial Chaos Theory might be Community’s best episode, I think Season 2 has an incredible run of episodes that edge it out above Season 3 for me. (That said, 1-3 of Community is peak single-cam sitcom greatness). And I think Lost never beat season 1, when all the mysteries actually felt like they

ehhh I’m calling foul; these are like a handful of examples which you could contest (the third season of Community is uneven and a bit manic; Lost’s third season also contains some of its worst episodes before the midseason hiatus; while the Red Wedding is a peak moment in GoT, the story/storytelling only gets better

As a Rogue fan, I have spent decades now trying to explain to non-fans why I love the character and no, that Fox movie version is nothing at all like what she is in the comics. And it is just SO REFRESHING to have such a wonderful take on her character. I am loving what this show has done for her so far.

What do you expect from people excited about a Ti West movie.

I can’t watch Elizabeth Moss anymore. Every time I look at her I see too much crazy.