I'm Figuratively Dead

Cecily Strong is a top 5 in this list for me, easy. Kate McKinnon is... fine. I always felt like she got laughs because people decided “Kate McKinnon is funny and whatever she does, we laugh”. I’m definitely in the minority though, so what do I know. I think Bobby should be way higher, but I’m just grateful he’s on

Huge crush on Cecily Strong ever since seeing her as “Drunk Girl at a Party You Wish You Hadn’t Started Talking” To on Weekend Update. I hope she goes on to bigger, better things than her post-SNL life has given us so far, although I haven’t seen Shmigadoon yet.

Aidy Bryant should have been higher and Kyle Mooney can replace Fallon.

Melissa Villasenor is one of the stone cold best impressionists to ever grace the show, too bad she got sidelined so Kate McKinnon could mug at the camera...

Certainly a reasonable argument. I like to tell myself that with Kingsman he had a really great story planned out in his mind but when he had to build out the world for sequels he was sort of lost. But with X-Men he’d have both decades of stories to draw from and built in help from Marvel and Fox, so maybe he’d have

You say that but she has form for that kind of thing. There’s one where she’s in period dress, supposedly fainting and manages to kick the butler’s tray out of his hand with staggering precision.  I’d have had Cecily higher.

I would put both Strong and Morgan in the top 10 ahead of Samberg and Armisen. Parnell would’ve been higher, too.

X-Men: First Class is the best of the lot, with X2 being a fairly close second. I’ll never forgive Days of Future Past for unceremoniously killing off a bunch of the cast of First Class off screen, but then, that’s not really the worst thing that Singer has done. Still, what a nice change it would have been to

I came prepared to come here and shit on Kate McKinnon because I do not care for her character work; I realize this is perhaps a bit of a hot take as a lot of people seem to love it (especially Lorne Michaels seeing how much she appeared/starred in sketches as her tenure continued), but Jesus Christ why in the hell is

Cecily Strong should have been WAY higher.  I’d put her in the top three myself, likely even #1.  

Beck Bennett, Alex Moffat and Kyle Mooney were all solid yet underrated cast members when they were on. And Beck Bennett should be included just for his portion of the Eddie Murphy monologue alone.

Cecily Strong’s Jeanine Pirro bit on WE where she drills Jost full in the face with a glass of wine over the shoulder from 10 feet away may be my favorite moment of the last 10 years. It was already so delightfully absurd but that stroke of luck (I bet she couldn’t do that again in 20 tries) put it over the top.

The authors are right about Samberg’s impact on how audiences interacted with SNL, and the Lonely Island digital shorts are all so delightfully unhinged that they stand up to some of the show’s all-time best filmed work.  He wasn’t great in sketches but that’s not what he was really there for.

He is the textbook example of failing upward.

Maya Rudolph is the most overrated cast member of all time. Vanessa Bayer should be in the top 5, easily.

I promise there’s someone left off this list who was funnier than Jimmy Fallon.

I hate to complain about the inclusion of one of the very few POCs on the list, but I kinda of agree about Kenan. He’s like Jerry Seinfeld: never in character, always at least kinda smiling because he can’t act, and really only plays one character. He’s really not versatile and, yes, like Moynihan, has one register. He

It is criminal to not put Chris Kattan on this list. 

Trade out Samberg and Fallon for Bennett and Mooney and you got yourself a list. Hader at the top is a bold, yet defensible choice. Bravo!

No Mr Peepers!?!?!?!?