I'm Figuratively Dead

I’m going home to sleep with my wife!!

The f - it -flam - flames. Flames, on the side of my face, breathing-breathl- heaving breaths. Heaving breaths... Heathing...

Shut up, Meg.

This is only an armchair observation, so take it with a grain of salt:

1. The internet has introduced us to a much wider berth of media. This is good for broadening our horizons, but also means there is no “everybody watches the same TV show and discusses it around the watercooler” like there used to be.

2. People are

Are you unfamiliar with Jerry Seinfeld?

Seinfeld is one of the most un-self-aware, arrogant celebs.

I went ahead and ctrl+F’ed this article looking for “Israel,” “Hamas,” or “Bari Weiss”, but the only person bringing them up was you. Sort of strange from the person who posted this when I accused you of just trying to rile people up:

Except for Topher, right?

Adorable how they’re trying to pretend like them all happily trying to protect a convicted rapist didn’t happen and has nothing to do with this.

Am I in the minority that Seinfeld is a supremely irritating presence? A guy who seems so above everything, and comes across so humorless for a comic. If you thought I was hesitant to see a film based on Barbie, imagine how I feel about a Netflix-only film about one of the shittiest breakfast foods ever created.

Is the Mummy really a horror movie?

Blair Witch didn’t invent the found footage genre but it sure as hell popularized it. Pay those actors! Also give us the director’s cut of Book Shadows. I know there is a good movie hiding in there that was ruined by bad editing. I could be wrong but I think there are some neat ideas and scenes that never really

Cool story bro


For a bit of added context to this: All three of them used their real names and appeared as “themselves” in that first film, and they’ve struggled with the fact that their personal identities are, essentially, franchise IP. I believe that Heather Donahue has fully changed her name to Rei Hance because of this fact.

Largely uninterested in this, but I am happy Domnhall Gleeson is still getting work. Let’s keep it that way.

The worst part is the dumb donkeys in the audience that absolutely lose their freaking minds clapping and cheering when she breaks. It’s like when there’s a celebrity cameo, they need to factor in like 10 seconds for an applause break just because the hillbillies in the audience seen a celebrity.

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They really want to break Heidi? Send in Dr. Poop!

I love that they ended it in Comic Sans!

Papyrus 2 not being in the full episode is a great shame.  Very good followup.  Also they made him do the Blade Runner goddamn it for fun.