I'm Figuratively Dead

The Following lasted 3 seasons, not 1. 

Seriously? Are you for real? 

Cool. A puff piece about an egomaniacal cult member with a god complex. At least he sends cakes! What a stand up guy!

I posted this on the last post, but then the comments got deleted. I put together a list of my favorite scary stories since the beginning. This was more relevant in early November... but here’s my link:


I’m embarrassed to say how excited I was to use it

I really love those bottom right corner videos that you can’t even x out of anymore. And it takes about 2-3 clicks to get it to pause, which seriously makes for such an enjoyable user experience.

I just moved to NJ from MD 3 weeks ago. Bought my turkey at the glorious ShopRite today, the lady at the cash register asked me if I was redeeming my turkey. I had no idea what she was talking about, so I said no. Then she told me that families can get a free turkey, ham or lasagna. Never experienced anything like

Are they pocket friendly?

Okay the link isn’t working, so here’s the address:

I hope this comment section isn’t already dead, but I compiled a list of my favorite scary stories from over the years. I have uploaded the document to OneDrive, I don’t know how to get people to not edit it, but please don’t so others can read it.

Oh great, let’s give him even more attention. 


It appears we have very different perspectives on this.

It looks like the person who commended Norton for his set at the roast of Bruce Willis dismissed me. So, before we start celebrating him for being funny and “moving”, I’d like to repost my response. And this is coming from a former huge Norton fan:

It’s incredible that at someone else’s roast, Edward Norton makes it all about him. Take a sip every time he says “me” or “I” or some version in reference to himself.